Any thinking on what this is... sex related?

Ok, when my husband and I have sex, and he penetrates sturdy and deep, we've discovered this creamy white stuff on his penis. This is embarrassing, but what is it? What cause it? I know it's from me and we're both wondering what IT is, lol.

Am i starting my period?

yeast. don't verbs to much your body produce yeast to clean itself out.

Any1 know why vaginal wart keep coming wager on?

sounds like SMEGMA.

Is it possible to be pregnant?

it is a short time ago your own bodies lubricant, and its nothing to verbs about

Why do womens' term match? Why do men get hold of pregnant?

does it look like cheese? later you know the answer. any smell?

NuvaRing compared to the pill?

~It's , seriously. Men have it, so do we.~

**Whatever it is, it's common. I've had that too. :)


It's semen. Some phone up it "", others call it "sperm" and copious call it "semen", because that's what it is. It contains sperm cell which swim to your egg and as a result, makes you pregnant. Looks similar to you are going to have a boy soon.

Either it's his or it's yours. Your "" isn't semen, it's a lubricating substance that allows the penis to slide in and out of your vagina easier. If it's in a touch 'puddle', it's semen, and if it's spread out, it's just your lubricant. Some general public call this getting "wet".

Just started to use a tampon and I own trouble?

its pretty normal really could be alot of things similar to your natural lube or that stuff you regularly carry just past you get your interval

I'm not even married but i worry something like my wife getting stretch marks after she have our child?

Need a better description than white stuff. Could be some thicken vaginal mucus, it natually comes out of the oepning of your cervix. Could be a little yeast specifically harbouring deeping inside your vagina.

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