I have be recently told i may enjoy pcos but i dont have iiregular period or body hair can i still enjoy it?


Girls only please,style of private?

Yes you can. Technically you can have it even withou the poly-cystic ovaries.
The syndrome is purely that, instead of a disease, because not everyone has alike symptoms.
I have it, and adjectives I had when I be dx was the solidity. From being untreated for so long (took 20 years to find a doc that would LISTEN) I presently have the spike loss, the anovulation (tho I have regular menses), the weightiness and IR. I also have a dignified testosterone level.
So, seize it treated even if you are having some doubts because it can attain worse over the years and it is best to start protecting the fertility you have NOW if you ever want children

Good luck, HTH

I have a tubal ligation (cut and burned) done and stopped menstruating.?

yep. different symptoms different people, but head up, most develop diabetes (a mild form early) so if you feel depressed or tired often(signs of elevated blood sugar) or do you feel jittery and can put away everything in the fridge...(low blood sugar) and of course it swings final and forth, get checked. Yaz birth control pill might be a choice for you for that, I've hear it works, except you need to go and get checked for potassium levels..that can murder you. well I'm no doc, but I've read alot on it... other symptoms are elbows and knees near darker pigments, cysts, mood swings unmistaken times of the month(with regualar periods)... manic depressive like symptoms...

Good luck.

Crueal parents slaughter me like a animal?

You hold seen a doctor and the you be informed by a doctor .

I hope the doctor has started a treatment to cure it.

It should be treated, if it is mild next it may correct itself, so see the doctor on regular bases, you must monitor your form closely, you can do it on daily basis but some one at home can also keep an eye on weekly font or monthly basis.

If you are not getting treated after take second judgment of another doctor.

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