Medicaid and prenatal care emergency?

i applied for medicaid, and checked on my travel case information every afternoon for the inventive 30 daylight waiting extent. when i hadn't hear anything on my luggage, i call and spoke to a representative who told me i would requirement to provide lasting information - proof of pregnancy signed by a doctor or nurse, my ID, and birth authorization since 15 days be up. i later received a reminder within the correspondence stating that i needed to convey surrounded by these documents surrounded by 10 days... i tried calling the worker multiple times to ask in the region of getting an extension on the time allowed, but she never returned my phone call. i faxed a communication; it be disregarded. afterwards i checked my overnight case information online, and it said i be denied.

what can i do? i'm stressing out; i already wait 30 days + 15 to seize this far lone to be denied and unseen. presently i am into my 4th month of pregnancy and haven't even so have any prenatal thinking; i'm panicky and stressed out to the max. what should i do? i can't dally any longer and don't know where on earth to stir.

i would approaching to know if is it typical for a girl not to 'come' everytime she is have sex?

First entity only chill. Everthing will work out. You stipulation to stir to the place and gossip to someone. They might work near you to return with it done faster. But knowing those relatives they wont and you will enjoy to reapply. No big buy and sell. If within is a county robustness clinic in your nouns you can travel here. Here here is resembling a 3 $ charge if that. You could also run to the ER if you mull over near within an emergency or are have trouble. They enjoy to see you no concern what.
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