How do u get rid of bleak breath and a white coating on tongue.?

The white coating on my tongue leaves a really bad chew in my mouth. I also know ive desperate breath because people would turn their lead when im talking. Its really making me paranoid and I dont close to to socialize much because of it. I brush my teeth 3 times a day and hold tried various mouthwashes, sprays and even a tongue scraper. I would other chew gum every time im out just to stop myself from one paranoid so much but it just mask the smell. Its really getting me down and I wouldnt kiss my boyfriend much! My mouth would get so dry also and ive been to my doctors & dentist several times but they contribute me anti-fungal pastilles which didnt help any.

Can anyone please suggest what this could be! It will be much appreciated!

For women only.?

Bad breath is cause often because you haven't brushed and flossed resourcefully .If you don't keep teeth and gums free of the bacterial buildup, they'll start to bring odor as the bacteria rot spare food particles contained by your mouth. A few seeds of cardamom chewed for a brief while will clear your mouth of desperate breath. Chew parsley leaves,which are sure to keep your breath fresh. More adjectives remedies at

Am i going to be infertile if.?

Do you drink milk? I used to get rather similar when I had dairy. Think in the region of your diet and you might find its something to do with that!!

Need assist with sweating?

Oral Candidiasis perchance.Ask your doctor. Nystatin would do the trick. Swish and swallow the med. Good luck

Serious Sex Question. Does this happen to you MOMS.?

ask another doctor or dentist cos they would be the right ppl to know what is really wrong beside u. my suggest to u is to used hydrogen peroxide instead of mouthwash and keep cleaning ur tongue next to the tongue scraper

Average Weight?

This is caused through filthy customs, try changing your ways.
Hope this help.

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