Why am i still bleeding on the pill?

I started on the pill over a week ago to try and control my endometriosis, i took the pill on the frist day of my interval, but over a week later im still on my length, why?

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Read the instructions that come next to your pill and find out if its something that you should expect to happen.

Hi sorry lads but girls why when ye bring your periods why does your stomach her so impossible that u feel similar to dying?

well i dont think you're supposed to start the pill on your spell. or at least you aren't near seasonal. but if you read the information about it (it patently came near the medicine) there's a adjectives section surrounded by there almost breakthrough bleeding. it's totally normal.

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Sometimes the pill doesnt completely rid you of your extent. Birth control, in any form I ruminate can either completely stop it, you can take it regularly, or it can just be paid it so you dont bleed as much but still get some spotting

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its down to your hormones varying and your body getting use to the pill. My wife has have this and its called break throught bleeding. It should stop soon if go subsidise to the doctors and they will change your pill over. Try not to verbs its all fine.
Make sure its the mini pill you are taking as this wishes to be taken the first day of your time at the same time everyday next to no break even if you on a period.

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It's highly common to verbs to have remarkable bleeding while just starting the pill. Give it another 1-3 months, and you should be right on programme.

I'm really confused about my interval?

it takes time to capture into your system something like a month or two..you own to take it evey time untill you finish the pack have a 7 afternoon break if the pack says so after start taking it again...depending on what pill you are on will depend on how your periods are

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ok since you are using it to control a problem not exactly birth control you can purloin it when ever. It will take it a touch while to take a effect. I took them for indistinguishable reason for two yrs. The first week I be fine, but the second week I was have to take two and have to continue until the week I be suppose to have a extent, but my dr didnt want me to ovulate or even have a time because my endometriosis was growing and getting worse. Good luck I really surface bad for you I know what you are going through. The solely thing that have helped me be to get pregnant. That I really dont recommend.

I own Had my periods for 4 weeks in a minute?

I just started on the pill 4 weeks ago, and I have my period for 3 weeks, its zilch to worry just about its normal, and it doesn't situation if you start taking the pill when you are on your period, it'll move about soon don't worry, save see your Doctor and they should give you some relief. My only problem very soon is that I'm getting ill! Hope that doesn't begin to you! Good luck.

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