Hi sorry lads but girls why when ye draw from your periods why does your stomach her so impossible that u feel resembling dying?

My stomach really hurts and i need some proposal on how to make the affliction go away im at work and the cramp is unbelievable

MY period be late and consequently VERY light?

Because your uterus is contracting to shed the pool liner of your womb. I know it sucks, but you can try taking painkillers. Feminax are specially designed for period pains and work really okay. You can get them from the chemist. If this is a continuous bloody experience for you every month, you should see your dr, who could prescribe you something like Mefenamic Acid which help with the headache and bleeding, it is very willing to help. Also maybe you could try the pill as this is decisive in helping next to problem periods. Also i know it's unusable in work, but when you attain home, try using a hot water bottle and relax!
Gentle exercise is also said to assist, so you could try having a easy-going stroll around your workplace!
If this persists though and is really affecting you in a denial way i would see your dr who can perchance rule a few things out and hopefully give you something to backing!
All the best! x

Cheating or not?

Take some ibroprofen or parectamol and when you get home enjoy a hot bath excersizin is pious to get rid of discomfort

Tell me EVERYTHING about aperiod.?

Its probably period distress... it happens to some women/girls when they grasp their period and is adjectives. It is just unsophisticatedly a pain within the lower stomach... i have gotten it until that time. I'm not really sure how to make it walk away, but after your period is over it does. possibly rubbing your stomach in a round will help . if it REALLY hurts, it might be something more than interval pain, so carry yourself checked out by a doctor. good luck:)

Hi! How do you know when you enjoy had an orgasm?

Take some paracetamol as it help. by the way can you spell as the interrogate doesn't make that much sense?

How should i capture pregnent?

Feminex I think its call: a kinda pain assassin specific to period headache. Or try regular paracetamol.

I stopped taking the pill got my term but now a week until that time period is due I am spotting ?

It hurts because your womb is affianced in some trunk activity, which also affects your digestion.

Paracetamol & codeine.
Heat (hot-water bottle) on tummy.
Drink water (hot or cold) and herbal tea. Eat fruit.

Never drink instant coffee when you hold your period: it blocks the body's organic pain-killing receptors and magnifies the spasm.

Go home if it's that bad. Help to dispell the notion that women can preserve on going whatever (which they usually can, but do you really involve to, when you are in such agony?).

Why are you apologising to lads?

Smelly foot?

The pain is due to your uterus contracting straight to shed the endometrium (blood) lining that builds up over the month incase an egg is fertilized and implanted. This strain is very adjectives in abundant women, and usually lasts for a couple of days. You can make smaller the pain by taking agony killers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (check these are suitable for you beside your pharmacist). Alternatively a warm pack on your stomach can abet, for example a hot water bottle. However, if you are finding it thorny to cope with, a doctor can recurrently prescribe medication that will be useful to you. Also if the anguish is prolonged, a trip to the doctors would be reassuring to confirm that here is no underlying cause.
Hope this help a little!!
I know how you get the impression!! Its not good!!

Help me please?

I used to run feminax and they worked well.

Has anyone (female) have a laparoscopy?


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