What could it be?

Ok here's the deal, I'm 23 years older and just not long I started having some problems. I seize these really bad shooting pains in my legs and arms. I can be sitting doing something and BAM its resembling an electric shock. Sometimes it happens 3 or 4 times a sunshine and then sometimes I can be in motion days without anything. My friend told me I should grasp checked out for MS and that kinda worried me so I was a moment ago wondering if it could be something less serious.

Why would i enjoy shooting pains during orgasam?

actually freshly go to your local doctor he can probably relief you

If a womans very significant breasts are getting her down, I there anywhere she can stir for support ?

You should really see a doctor about this and not try and bring answers from an internet answer site!

Could i be pregnant but still have a spell?

safest thing to do is progress to the doctor!

Do your breast grow when you are on your period?

It may not be serious, but you must see a competent medical professional. Negligence, may latter, unnecessarily, turn the shooting pains into a complicated situation...and then, it will cost you more money, besides, cause you more stress and avoidable pain. Prevention is better than cure, please. Never negligence health.

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