Pap test do i have to carry one?

do i HAVE to get one?
And what happen if i dont?
Do the doctors keep phoning you or do they merely leave it?

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Your health is up to you. No, your doctors department will not phone you and tell you you stipulation to come it, that is your responsibility.

What will transpire if you don't? No one can say for sure, but almost adjectives sexually active women will be exposed to an HVP during their lifetime. Some raison d`??tre cancer some don't. Do you want to take the providence you will be lucky and never be exposed? That is up to you.

Are you afraid to go? It really isn't a big treaty it is a very simple medical procedure. No physical pain is involved, some women find it discomfited others don't.

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I don't know how the doctor's pedal it, but as horrible as it is you need to win one done every year. I have set plenty of 20 and thirty year olds who have have serious problems. Two of my friends who are 27 and 30 have already have hysterectomies. Better to be safe than sorry.

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You should get one every year when you turn 18 or sexually involved.

If you don't get one you run the risk of dieing from cervical cancer. A pap assessment is designed detect cancer cells within your cervix early adequate to do something about it.

Depending on the doctor, they will any call or distribute a letter a few times until you come within.

it is highly recommended that you enjoy a pap every year.

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it is important you seize your pap smear done annually. it detects many things including whether or not you may/do hold cervical cancer and other stuff going down on your cervix and the rest of your private parts. i'm sure your gyno does tell you the results. but for just phone contained by your doc to make sure your test are alright.

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It is spur-of-the-moment. I actually have my annual exam today. It took less than 2 minutes. It isn't as doomed to failure as everytone says trust me!

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it would be to your benefit to receive one done...if abnormal cell are detected at an early stage they can be frozen sour easily...if gone untreated it could advance to cancer...Its not a big promise to get it it!

Period Question.?

You SHOULD receive a pap test to clear sure everything is ok down there.

I have mine done around age 11, and it really is no biggie. I reluctantly go every year and carry checked.

If you don't, you could miss something really seriously wrong. Getting a pap would catch it untimely.

You should actually grasp checked BEFORE you get sexually live. This would be just within case at hand IS something down there to be exact wrong, and if you'd have sex past noticing the issue it could procure worse and possibly affect your partner.

So prior to getting sexual, get a pap and then achieve on birth control.

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