I bleed within between period, is this common?..i usually bleed 2 weeks after my menstrual time.?
need facilitate!..thanks much!
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Your hormones have gone out of whack. Go to your doc and he/she will probably put you on the pill to draw from you back on track.Hi, you described this as something recent which tells that something is going on presently that has not been up before. Several things need to be clarified such as- how much bleeding do you enjoy between periods, ie small of much, are you on any medication etc. Several things may be causing this so I will not presume to know the answer considering the little info that I enjoy so I suggest you see a physician ASAP. All the best
Something except pregnancy symptoms?
This depends on your age. If your older you could be going through the change of enthusiasm. Now if your young you might want to go to the OB/GYN because you might hold endometreousois. Or you just might be very irregular and call for to get on birth control to even you out. I have be working in the medical field for awhile so I read aloud see you doctor. I had this problem to and I have endometreosisis.You could also enjoy an infection, but most infections come with a smell.
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