How do you recount a guy?

that you don't want to have sex next to him because you are on your period? i don't want to gross him out. i a short time ago don't know how to tell him or should i freshly coem right out and say it?

Discharge,Cramps,Pubic,Arm Hair?

speak, "I'm out of order" i've said that to a guy before and he get the message while thinking it was cute at one and the same time...

Till what age do boobs grow?

Just tell him. It happen to all of us. He'll make out.


"sorry hun, it's my time of the month".

You won't really gross him out unless you say:

"capably, you see, blood and other crap is gushing from my vagina...which causes me to grain crappy, angry, annoyed, and bloated.perhaps another time?"

!!?wats this?!!?

ashley if you are asking question like this it tell me that you are to young and small for a sexual relationship. Go talk to mommy.

I enjoy a terrible headache when i stop my birth control pills?

Just read out, "I can't this week." He'll get the message, trust me.

Have u?..?

Say sorry if u know what i have it in mind its not the right time so see u next month!~!~1

Almost 18 and no time of year?

just tell him he'll respect your honesty
and you two wont risk an unwanted pregnancy

Why do some women's vaginas smell dismal and some don't smell at all?

Just be upfront and convey him you wish you could, but it's your time of the month. Oddly, some guys in fact don't care and find it a turn on.

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