How effective is the pill combined beside a condom?

if the girl takes the pill correctly, and the guy uses the condom correctly too., what are the likelihood of getting pregnant?

When woman is in her 60's, is it common for breasts to lose ALL firmness? Like womanly Dr. answer.?

Its over 99.99% effective.

The actual number have too many 9's for me to post!

A clever decision to use both, in good health done.

What feels better during intercourse? ladies plz answer?

A better cross-question is - why are you having sex if you aren't arranged for a baby?


Very slim and a smart entity to do.

I get really down and teary a few days previously my period. what can i do to oblige it?

Taking the pill absolutely correctly and using a condom too manner that there is vurtually no coincidence of getting pregnant. The combined pill is around 98% effective and a condom next to a spermicide is about 97% influential.

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thats smart. the likelihood are too small. you are using double protection.

I just started swimming easier said than done again and my period get kind of irregular. It go away and do you think it will

The probability are very tremendously slim. They do exist however. I know a guy who was within the same situation near his girlfriend and she ended up have a miscarriage. Also, it's known for a certainty that she wasn't cheating and even if she was, the chances would still be slim to none.

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