Do i have?.. ladies solely please.?

I am a 14 year old girl and my mom have PMDD..
First of all what exactly is it?
Second I know you return with really lik NUTS before your spell and i was wondering if i I don`t know have it.
I'm a concrete Bi**h before my interval and i'm also cranky...
can anybody give me some info and concept of what to do?

My GYN told me that my cervix is tilted backwards, does anyone else have this problum?

I own it too, hon.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
First, get your thyroid checked- greatly of similar signs and symptoms to PMDD. The best thing for both are prescription meds. Try yoga contained by the meantime.

What do men know about women by looking at their tounges?

your singular 14 and your hormones are by no means within check yet! Your too youthful to worry give or take a few PMDD

Tummy Bug or what?

If you have PMDD than you can lift a birth control pill to stop the symptoms, the pill is called Yaz.

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