Can someone tell me something like breast cancer?
I would really appreciate it if someone would post an answer that's worth reading...and would answer soon.
There are no known cause for breast cancer, but there are plentiful risk factors that increase the likelihood of contracting the disease. Some of these you can't control, like sexual category (100 times more common contained by women), age (nearly 8 out of 10 breast cancers are found contained by women over 50), and family history. Click the intertwine below (from the American Cancer Society) for more info. It is a pretty comprehensive list.
The strongest prearranged environmental risk factor for breast cancer is exposure to ionizing radiation. A strong association has be observed between high dose exposure within atomic bomb survivors and persons undergo prolonged radiation treatment. But few studies have be conducted of low dose occupational exposures or adjectives medical procedures. A variety of factor have be identified as suspected environmental risk factors for breast cancer. These include: bedside light at night (disruptions contained by melatonin secretion), hormone disruptors (including an extensive list of general compounds such as phthalates), environmental pollutants (hydrocarbons, organochlorines), and occupational exposures (chemical, radiation).
The tablets and health information post by website user , not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes with the sole purpose and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for any medical conditions.
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