Girls solely please?

Does excercising a lot prevent your time from coming?

Sudden sharp pain contained by intercourseneed advice?!?

Well, once you lose a abiding amount of body fat, the brain become more concerned with keeping your body alive-rather than allowing procreation. Cessation of menstral period is usually closely related to eating disorders.

When is the right 1st time for a gyno call on?

youd have to do some serious overrr excerising but yes, its possible. things such as excerising and not ingestion a lot can exact it.

How common is it to skip a time while on the pill?

if you are a low weight and exercise to extreme amounts it is amazingly likely that the pressure on your body will prevent you getting your spell

I have not have sex for over 11/2 years but 4 the 1st time my periods are belatedly by 2 weeks should i be worried?

I'm a guy this should not effectic it sounds like lots of stress. Also depends or your counterbalance to if your way underneath it can affect you alot. My ex-GF had that problem from time to time.

Has anybody ever have a miscarriage and can tell me what it be like?

Also depending on your age, hormones may through bad your cycle.

Can somebody out there support me? im really hurt?

yes it can do that if its rigorous excercise or if you are overdoing it or if your body fat ratio is going too far down. But why not see a doctor of late in travel case to rule out anything else. Its most likely zilch, just the excercise... but you never know. Be secure rather than sorry.

Good luck.

Birth control/menstrual query?

yes it can, this happen to me. i excercised every light of day and moved a lot too. and i get skinnier, and didn't get my time of year for about a year. next i went to the doctor they give me a pill so that my cycle goes support to normal.

Question in the region of depo shot?

`the only entry that is going to prevent your term is getting pregnant and that is singular temporary it last about 9 months> exercising will though relief the cramps from being indisputable bad

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