Why are the younger women of today (over)developing earlier? Is it something in the hose down?


For girls only please ! I want to know why some girls wear thongs? i never wear them ! why do some girls do? y

Actually, near was a study done that I read going on for in a robustness magazine that suggested that girls "blossom" earlier when they are living next to a stepfather in the home, fairly than their natural father. Girls subconsciously pick up pheremones from males they are not related to and their bodies see into preparing for procreation earlier than conventional, assuming that the stepfather is there for her. Bodies can't differentiate between a manly in a parental role and a masculine in a sexual role, except through inheritance. Since there are seriously more divorces and remarriages out there in this day and age, it could be one factor in premature menstruation.
Weird, huh?

What would develop if?

It's something in their diet.....JUNK FOOD.

Does Plan B make you extra fertile after taking it?

It's the hormones in food today

First look in to gynecologistkind of scared of it lol!?

i group it,s because the girls are eating a poor dietlike pop and other food like burgars. and fat.

Is little blood mixed with some mucous discharge indicative of a torn hymen?Is a sudden slack..?

artificial hormones in the food we devour

Is there any pill over the counter that a woman can pinch?

,,,,,,,,,montel has done pgms this subject,,,,,,,,,,,I don`t know ingested processed food chemicals,hormones(sometimes added to cattle,chicken) hormones added to critter food causesem to fatten up real hurried,giving the company faster return on initial investment,the possible secondary effect is to create liddle tykettes to develop earllier.occurs surrounded by us,uk, and in lite of mcdonalds in a minute in france,zee prohblehm eez very soon in fhrance tyoo.,,,,,,vevre ley hamburghair.

Everyone that have had a full abdominal hysterecetomy?

its the food. not a soul knows who to cook actual food anymore. people live rotten the microwave, thats why they also have that advanced acne

Has anyone gotten birth control pills short an exam?

Television. In other words, programming of our minds.

Be aware that ALL major medium outlets are owned and controlled by the same kith and kin (bloodline). It is still possible to be a free-thinking human, although the odds are hugely small. Even knowing all I need to know to know how to smarten up, I sometimes cannot resist the command to order a xxxx pizza or drink a diet xxxx. It isn`t solely the women.

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