BAD vertebrae pain during period...?

I have really bleak back pains during my period, sometimes I can barely stand up straight and plentifully of times it keeps me from sleeping. I've tried hot showers and baths, heat pads, rime, pain killer (Advil, Tylenol, and Midol), massages, and lay in different positions. I almost never drink caffine and I other stay away from salt (on my interval or off), and I try not to eat chocolate when I'm on my length, but none of these have help. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Women Only PLZ..What to do incase of ..?

Go to the doctor. Some pain during your term is considered normal but excessive menstrual twinge is called dysmenorrhea. There are two types of dysmenorrhea, one which occur in nutritious women and has nil to do with any specific problems beside your uterus or any other pevlic orgrans. The other kind can be related to an underlying disease or some other structural abnormality any in or outside of your uterus. If you've tried everything you can over the counter move about see your doctor and talk to them in the order of it.

Can womans vagina smell and if so why?

i have indistinguishable exact thing!! try muscle relaxers they facilitate the best for me!! good luck!! and enjoy someone rub your back, within the place it hurts the most, mine is my lower back.

What Do You Feel About The Cutting Subject?

Bad put a bet on pain during menses can also be cause by a fibroid uterus (benign tumors in the uterus).

Back niggle can represent kidney infections or UTI if it happens at other times besides when you are menstruating.

Go to your gyne...some women a moment ago have more stinging periods afterwards others and there is comfort out there. Just sort sure you get checked out professionally to ensure you are clean and treatments are safe for you!

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