Going to the gyno?

Can someone please help me beside this? I'm 19, my periods own been slightly irregular, nil like hideous, but my cramps and backache have pretty much kill me every month since I got my spell many years ago. I want to go to the gyno to seize bc because i know it helps beside that stuff (i'm a virgin and not planning to have sex so thats not the reason). i'm pretty much deathly afraid of needles so i want to know if they will whip blood or anything before they put me on the pill. any info would be really dutiful. thanks.

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Chances are they will just do a usual routine female exam including a breast exam and pap smear. They MIGHT ask for blood, but most imagined not. You should be sure to ask the doctor during the initial consult what EXACTLY will be happening and narrate him/her that you are very anxious roughly needles and would only close to to have a blood draw if it's beyond doubt necessary.

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no, they don't take blood or endow with shots before going on the pill, and you can also go to a clinic, they can hand over you the pill for free.

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More than likely, yes. Tell them of your disquiet of needles so everyone is prepared. I was afraid of needles at your age, but for some strange purpose, having blood drawn never bothered me.

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Generally, you will not have blood drawn within order to be put on the pill. The exam will be conducted, the doctor will rob that into consideration along with your loftiness, weight and medical history, and prescribe an appropriate pill.

However, if for anything reason the doctor requests to monitor your hormones, you would have blood drawn. But to be exact not a requirement to simply start you on the pill.

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Nah, no needles unless you ask for test to be done - but since you said you are a virgin, their would be no need to return with tested for STDs or pregnancy. They pretty much just ask you some question and write you a prescription.

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He or she will do a complete physical exam, which may include a pelvic exam( i don't think you hold to worry in the order of it sense your not active). The doctor or nurse will often prescribe 3 months' worth of pills and explain when to set off taking the Pill and what to do if pills are missed.

The doctor or nurse will usually ask the girl to come back surrounded by 3 months to have her blood pressure checked and to see if she is have any problems.

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No they do not pinch blood and there is no origin you have to see a GYN. Your regular doc can bar this for you. YOu should have already be having regular pap smears and pelvic exams since you are over 18. If you just this minute had that done they may not want to repeat this. See your regular doc and he can prescribe the meds for you.

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I'm proud of you ! You have adequate self-respect to keep your pant on. I wish more girls be like you.
You should be going to the Gyno every year very soon. Whatever problems you've been have and whatever question you have, write them adjectives down so you can get the answers you have need of. It also might be useful for you to obtain yourself a book on "women's health".
Whether your Dr. takes blood or not is determined more by what their standard practice is at that Dr.'s bureau.

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No blood will be drawn unless you're getting some tests for STD's done and since you're not alive then that's not a big treaty. You'll need to draw from a pap done to check for cervical cancer and you'll get a pelvic exam. Then you'll be capable of get bc for a year until your subsequent pap. Make sure you tell your doctor roughly speaking your cramps and everything so that she prescribes the right bc. Good luck! :)

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Going to the Gynecologist is a very normal routine...similar to going to the dentist with a toothache.
Irregular period are quitre common, but should other be addressed next to your doctor, if it continues for several months.

The only grounds the doctor may poke you with a hypodermic, is if blood needed to be drawn to determine if you had an infection, disease, etc. It have been so copious years since I took the birth control pill, but I don't recall any blood test for it in command to obtain the prescription. Normally a urine experiment is requested by the doctor in relation to Gynecological issues, such as a pregnancy. (Which doesn't nouns the case beside you).

If this will be your first time seeing the Gynecologist, let him or her know, so that they will proceed beside any physical exams (known as the pelvic exam) with suspicion, and explain to you along the way what they are doing. If you are really mortified during the physical exam (if it's your first time, it can be uncomfortable), then let somebody know the doctor so that they may be able to hold an assistant in the room near you to talk to you, during the exam.

While I surface it is always correct to practice safe sex, abstaining from it till you find the right man deserving of you, would even be better. Being a virgin is not a popular enthusiasm these days, but undeniably one to be proud of.

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The first time i got on the pill, i be sexually active, they took blood. But just because they were checking for aids and other diseases. I dont construe since you are not sexually active they are gonna poke you next to anything. Dont be nervous. Tell the doctor going on for your fear, they'll permit you know if you need to prepare yourself for anything!

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After a womanly stars her period you should manufacture it a point to have a PAP experiment done yearly. I own personal experience with like thing that you are going through. I did keep on the pill to "regulate " my cycles. In all actuality adjectives it did was clear a bad situation worse. The period were smaller number frequent but when I did get them it would second in excess of 6 weeks. I enjoy had three children and have my tubes tied after giving birth to twins. I started the pill after the tube tying. Come to find out the heavy bleeding and massive cramping be caused by fibroid tumors contained by my uterus. Had I not got a per annum PAP test I would of never found out what be causing the fruitless periods. The best proposal that I can give to you is see a doctor and discuss surrounded by detail what is going on and your doctor will treat you according to your symptoms.

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