Has anyone had a cyst on near ovary?

Iv been to the doctors as i hold had a bit of affliction on my lower stomach and my doctor said it could be a cyst on my ovary im waiting for a scan, im also TTC has anyone still conceived near a cyst? i dont have a fallopian tube on that side as i have an ectopic pregnancy 3yrs ago so i no its ot that.

Why is it that when you cry, dark circles form below the eyes.?

I was have alot of pain and finally go to the dr. Did a pelvic ultrasound which showed a huge cyst. In the meantime, while waiting to see what he wanted to do roughly speaking it, I became pregnant and it go away.

I have be on the pill for years,but this last cycle I be 5 days late And very soon my breasts are so SORE!?

I asked a similar question surrounded by the trying to conceive section, lower than pregnancy. the answers are here http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...

it seems that you newly never know. there seem to be to be a lot of nouns stories, so i have hope immediately. its not as serious as it may seem. within is always clomid which will oblige you ovulate. i think it may be harder because of the one fallopian tube, but your doctor can probably explain more, or refer you to a fertililty specialist. it could other still happen, so stay encouraging. good luck.

I a moment ago put in my first tampon and its hurting impossible! is this normal?

Your doctor may be solely guessing. The scan will hopefully provide a proper diagnosis. I didn't have problems next to cysts, but I did have an ectopic pregnancy beside my very first pregnancy. After that, the doctor did the x-ray experiment where they put dye up surrounded by your fallopian tube(s). Everything looked clear, and it certainly did the trick to "open" things up because I get pregnant shortly after that. Three years later I thought I be having touble getting pregnant again and he did the experiment again and guess what? I got pregnant.

I hope adjectives turns out well next to your scan!

Stopping period?

Hi, yes i have a cyst on my ovary, but i was a great deal older than you and i have to have a hysterectomy. But please don't tolerate my story put you off my friend at work (she is like mad younger than me) had a cyst finishing year and she had it removed, the month after she be pregnant and is expecting her baby contained by March. So dont worry temperament will run its course. Good Luck to you.

Yaz birth control?

I had cysts on both of my ovaries when I be freshman in elevated school. My doc put me on birth control to lessen them in size and they finally burst -which hurt close to crazy, but I have have no trouble since. I am perfectly robust. Don't worry!

Does anybody own an idea or undergone a mammogram interview?

yes, i was diagnosed beside polycystic ovary syndrome in july 2006. i simply have multiple cysts on my ovaries, and also own endometriosis.
you can have this properly checked out by an internal u/s, or in my defence a laparoscopy. the laparoscopy is done under anaesthetic, but it involves a camera one inserted into a hole they make to hand your belly button, and another hole is made in your lower belly to put an instrument through to push some of your organs out of the bearing so the surgeon can see. its a short procedure, and takes a week or so to sort rest.
there is also the alternative of clomid (be careful, it can cause/make existing cysts worse!) or clomid - this can assistance you to ovulate too, and is also used for type 2 diabetes. can help sort bulk issues out (pcos can make it difficult for you to lose solidity if you have it). i necessarily had chance long cycles, and didnt ovulate since last april. i have my op in september, go on clomid and metformin in november and have only ovulated for the first time this cycle. i too am ttc (have been for 2 years and didnt realise i have so many fertility issues! i also hold stage 3 endometriosis) - but i am hoping all the things i hold had done/have taken will aid and am hoping next cycle will be the one! if its not, i own been offered an op to hold ovarian drilling (the surgeon basically drills a quantity of small holes in your ovaries to breed them heal themselves, and they also return with rid of the cysts) there is a apposite site you may want to check out called fertilityfriend dot com. near are lots of people on here who have indistinguishable fertility issue as yourself and are more than happy to lend a hand!

good luck :)

GIRLS ONLY! (please answer)?

I'm 17 years feeble, and in the slop of 2006, I had a cyst on my right ovary. I go to the doctor and they just said that it be from not getting my period. I'm what you may nickname under substance, and I am very influential, I run cross country and I enjoy newly going out for a jog. Therefore, I never get my period. But he put me on birth control to fade away the size of it... now, I am still on birth control and my cysts are going away.. and everything is dandy. =) Don't stress give or take a few it too much. You'll be fine.

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