Help! I hold gain close to ten pounds within the later 6 wks and enjoy not really changed routine

I excercise and eat a balanced diet within the right portions. I drink plenty of water. This has come on massively suddenly. Also, I have had three 'periods' (really approaching three days of light flow-not my normal period) surrounded by the last 7 weeks. What's going on here?

Answers:    maybe you're 6 months pregnant,.
Maybe you're freshly retaining all that water you've be drinking along with your period making you retain it. Don't flip, weigh yourself again subsequent week. Never weigh yourself every day you won't get duplicate result. Should be one day out of the week, probably in the morning beforehand you consume anything, and that time and day every week for most result. Sounds like you should move about to a doctor. It could be anything from thyroid to any number of hormonal things. A simple blood test, and in a week you'll know for sure.
Something it could be, working contained by the summer with the heat and humidity can rationale our bodies to retain water. This also will mess with our period. (Like for me, during the summers when my children are home from school, I won't have a time from June until Aug. I was told by a doctor this is a normal piece, that anything that can make us uncomfortable within anyway can affect the way our periods behave.) .
Muscle weigh more than fat, maybe you are in recent times gaining muscle a result of your diet and exercise, scales are not what you should be looking at, if you feel leaner and clothes fit better consequently that's how you know what you are doing is working. You need to see a doctor. You may have developed a thyroid condition such as hypothyroidism ( a slow functioning thyroid) . .
Sounds approaching your hormones are messed up. If you possibly can, get an appointment with an endocrinologist. You really should see your doctor. It may be nought, but it could be a symptom of something serious. Please don't delay..
Sounds like Pre-diabetes,I would dance to the doctor Asap,this doesn't sound good.

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