I own had HPV16 can i still get hold of pregnant?

also had a small portion of my cervix removed, one doctor has said i can and another have said i cant please help

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I too be diagnosed with HPV, and get pregnant 3 months later.

You can gain pregnant although part of your cervix have been removed. Depending on how much, it might not be a honourable idea... If your cervix stands the risk of stretching and tear during pregnancy, it could be harmful for you, and ultimately head to a miscarriage :(

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By age 50, at smallest 80 percent of women will have acquire genital HPV infection. About 6.2 million Americans get a trial genital HPV infection each year.

whether you find pregnanant or not depends on the uterus, the sperm and the egg quality, if you are largely healthy, you shouldn't hold any problems, however, you may pass the hpv to the newborn when you do the vagina delivery

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Last April I was told that I have HPV and because of the high title leasions, I needed a LEEP. So, last July I have the LEEP procedure done and the tip of my cervix was removed close to yours was. Afterwards it literally feel like I have lost my womanhood. Some of your doctors will say you can and some will say aloud you that can't, but the truth is-you can. Yes, your chances will be reduced significantly and you immediately run a higher risk of have a miscarriage during the first few months, but there is other the slightest possibility of getting pregnant. When you're older and more ready, it wouldn't hurt to try. (Just don't do it with any guy.)

I don't want to come past its sell-by date preachy, but since you're 16, I highly support you get the HPV shot. Even though you already enjoy one type of HPV, you are still able to gain the vaccine which will then protect you against the other 3 largest types. Yeah okay, some people reason that it condones underage sex, but in veracity it doesn't-it protects young girls and young at heart adults from contracting HPV.

Think it over sweety. Get the shot and protect yourself from the other HPV's strands and the risk of cervical cancer.

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I have HPV and had a colposcopy and LEEP conization done. How much of your cervix be removed? Did they do a LEEP (scraping/burning it off) or a full conization (where they actually cut out a cone-shaped portion of your cervix)?

My ob/gyn told me that various women who have a full conization collectively (as long as they're fertile) don't actually enjoy problems conceiving--the problem lies with when the babe gets older/heavier (usually around 20 weeks gestation) and the weightiness of the baby forces the ineffectual cervix open, cause a spontaneous abortion. Some women are good candidate for a cerclage (where they sew your cervix shut).

If you had a LEEP and they removed with the sole purpose a thin veil, you shouldn't have any problems carrying a babe to term. I be terrified of this when I become pregnant with my first child, and my ob/gyn told me that surrounded by women who have have LEEPs done, it's usually the exact opposite--instead of the cervix dilating too quickly, it in actual fact has problems dilating because of blotch tissue. I didn't have this problem though.

As for conceiving--conizations don't truly cause you to become infertile.

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