Do you reflect the slogan "no fetus can throb us" is a obedient for an abortion clinic?

Answers:    Wow. That made me laugh pretty knotty and now I have a feeling kind of unpromising haha!

It probably wouldn't be a great slogan because it's making fun of abortion...and many populace who get them are still dejected and feel regret so it may not tender off a flawless vibe.

Funny though, I must say, extraordinarily funny
thats horrible. Probably not if you're trying to convince pro-lifers you're not just tot killing monsters.

EDIT: btw, I'm pro-choice, and I don't see anywhere within his question asking your inference about abortion.
I don't chew over an abortion clinic needs any mode of "slogan" to try to sound cute or catchy. There is surely no reason to try and lure business to a place close to this. gyggles has exposed this issue for exactly what it is minus even knowing it. Abortion truly is "horrible".
its VERY horrible hell no, it makes night light of the situation, one like we embezzle care of ur little problem self better
no i think it sick. decide to get an abortion is a serious event and a slogan like that would probably panic girls away. for one thing i don't believe within abortion!! If you can handle living light of day after day knowing that you kill a baby later you have no conscious. Other than that don't try to go abortions with a slogan. My gosh what have this world come to. You want a good slogan how in the region of this one..."Adopt instead of abortion " or "Protection is the best if you are not ready for a baby" Try those slogans. God Bless!
no, it's horrible... I judge its a disgusting title ... you have a tremendously bad drink :-(

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