Sudden change surrounded by cycle, what could it be?

I have be having some problems next to my cycle. Recently it has become extraordinarily irregular. I mean I be the person that you could set your examine too but all of a sudden its bad. I’ve had no recent pregnancies, miscarriages, stress or immensity gain or loss. I don’t know if there could be something else cause this. Please tell me any philosophy you may have on what could be going on or if you deduce I should go see some sort of specialist. I hold included my past four months at the bottom. Oh and I usually hold a 28 day cycle.

March 12th
April 11th
May 16th
And I started today, June 11th


How risky is it to own sexual relations with my girlfriend but other interrupting the ejaculation inside her

Have you started taking contraceptive pills? If so, it could be the pills. It's always a virtuous idea to consult experts similar to your gynecologist. Better safe than sorry.


It looks consistant to me. relax, it does not help yourself to exactly 28 days for you to go through a cycle. You are human being paranoid, its nothing. Relax, as long as you are getting it, is a well-mannered sign.

Why does my stomach hurt for the 1st day and a partially when I'm on my period?

The few daytime variation is usual. It maybe your body is in fact changing cycles which is run of the mill for all woman. I would not be concerned.

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