My discharge still stinks what should i do?

my discharge is regular- but stinky,
i clean beside body wash and soap and i nouns out, i don't know what to do?


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Could be bacterial vaginosis--you might requirement a prescription to clear it. Or you could have your garden-variety yeast infection, which you can treat next to over the counter cream--but it would be best to call up your gyno and find out for sure.

What is quickest why to draw from rid of an yeast infection?

If it's a fishy smell you might have a bacterial infection. You own to see your OBGYN and they can determind if its a BI or something worst and STD.

Stretch marks?

Smelly discharge= infection... it could be mild or severe.. Try using this product call "RePhresh" it will help... but shift to the doctor, because that stuff wont clear up an infection. if you are just easily smelly down there , after go carry that product, they have it at rite aid and walgreens and stuff

What is this huge bump on my vagina?

u may hold yeast infection or something. so go to doctor

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Do NOT USE BODY WASH AND SOAP in the vaginal nouns. The vagina is a self cleaning oriface and you should never ever use soaps or other products there. You most possible have an infection if you own odor with your discharge so phone call your doc and make an appointment to procure checked out. Stop using soaps in the area as this could be segment of the cause of your infection.

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sounds resembling you could possibly have gardenella, or as someone said in advance vaginosis which is a bacterial infection, sometimes wiping the wrong method causes microbes to get inside you, or it could be worse, see a gynecologist and procure some antibiotics. There is nothing over the counter for it.

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When it smells it means you enjoy an infection. Go to your doctor because infections can make you sterile save treated properly.

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It sounds similar to maybe a vaginosis or a imminent one. I'd get that checked. Be leery of products used to costume or clean the nouns too much because they might cause you another problem by messing up the natural alkaline...which would be a yeast infection, a gelatinous cottage cheese type discharge, that is itchy. Then you'd enjoy 2 issues instead of one..:S
I'd go to the Dr for an swab in recent times to make sure!
Best wishes! =)

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