I itch down there after my hubby and I enjoy sex?

My husband and I have be together for 5 years. Married for 1 1/2 years. We are currently trying to have a kid, but whenever he ejaculates inside of me it itches and sometimes burns. I do not hold a disease we both have be tested. Has anyone ever had this come to pass? Could I be allergic to his semen?


Im 14 almost 15 and still have not started my extent.? Does any one shave down there?

Yes! You could be allergic to his semen. Rather than listen to those of us who try to answer your press, remember that we are all lay associates with no training in tablets. My suggestion is for you ro go see your gynecologist and ask her/him. This condition you hold may be simple and treated with medication. Why linger? Make an appointment now.

WHAT is A ------? plz HELP??

He must be two timing you and he have caught an std

Has anyone took a hpt while on their period and it come back positive?

This massively same thing have happened to my wife and I. It turns out my semen is a bit acidic and my wife's system is the different, which causes her to enjoy an adverse reaction.

It's be something we've had to treaty with while we're trying for a child. (Not sure if there is a treatmet for it, at least possible not that we have found)

Now beforehand we came to this conclusion we both get tested first as a precaution. She is also a Biologist and has some key knowledge surrounded by this area and we hold a great open minded doctor who's inclined to listen to us :-)

Ovarian Cyst resolved, but still in aching?

well, if you are asking for my OPPINION, i would say that yes, it is possible that you could be allergic to his semen or something, anything of the approaching...

(look, i also dont want to put dubt in your mind since i dont know you or the compassionate of relationnship between youself and your hubby, but when did this start happening? is it something latest? or did you always use condoms untill in a minute?)

anyway, if you want me to tell you what it is though... im no doctor, so i suggest you shift to one and have him update you for sure what it is... (",)

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