Advice please!?

I'm a "need direction & opinions" kinda gal
I've been beside my bf 4 about 2 months immediately & things still haven't changed much. I mean we're not adjectives lovey dovey like other couples.we're kinda weird and wonderful & idk how I feel or how he feel.
he says he doesn't want it 2 b over and neither do i
I suggest he has alot of freedom and who know what he's doing after school. I show I care nearly him i just don't know what's up
we on the odd occasion talk on the phone... resembling in the foundation he called me at night now he doesn't. we hang up out at lunch and stuff.. but like sometimes we stride right past eachother.
idk what to do or what to regard? I try to trust him but it's hard
he flirts with other girl more than he consultation 2 me... but i kinda do the same entry with guyz... how do u know when a guy is pretending to resembling u? he's my 1st bf and i know they say the 1s is usually the worst.but i guess i'm surrounded by denial<3

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I would break up with him. He unmistakably doesnt' care in the region of your feelings too much. Any boy that make you cry isn't worth crying over.

How often do you masturbate a week?

maybe he have the impression that you guys are surrounded by an "open" relationship. you should call him and merely ask him whats up.

Girls only!?

drop him close to a dead fly he is worthless
my first boyfriend be long distance and i jsut broke up with him
bring up to date him that if he doesnt:
start calling you
stop flirting with other girls
ignore you
and watever else

that your gonna break up with him
it could merely be that he think s u dont vigilance so talk to him first andif he doesnt want to do the things on the register then break up beside him

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You said that you also will flirt near other people on instance.That is normal for everyone.. I reflect on because your young and untried to this stuff, its easy to be restless and of course it make you anxious. A good passageway to hide from the insecurity is by flirting beside those other people. However, we both know explicitly not the ideal relationship. How almost this, plan something on a weekend for you both to do and make sure that it is perceptive. Let him get to know you better, and still play strong to get. It will intrigue him. He will want to know you more which will incentive him to pay more attention to you. Don't explain to him your whole go story- keep him guessing and wanting more info. And the first relationship is the hardest so put together it a learning experience. The most esteemed thing is to savour yourself and have fun! (And be not detrimental.)

Did i get my term?

if you still care around him then stir for it! Refresh things... like flirt near him like you freshly met him. Compliment him. ASK HIM OUT! Maybe he is just as confused as you are. Guys will pick up on your confusion and it's not a turn on to them, so be confident if you want to keep hold of him.

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