Please backing! i need give a hand! i made a big mistake!?

i just asked a request for information that said: how do you ask your mom to buy you a bra. i am ten years old and want a bra. i suppose i need one.

i enjoy just asked my mom if she thought i needed a bra and she said no. i considered necessary to ask her for a bra but i got upset and didn't ask her if she couls buy me one. all she said is that i will obligation one soon.

how do i ask her FOR a bra, since i just asked her if i obligation one. it's hard to ask her that since i freshly had a homily with her. it's so mortifying and i really want one but that's hard to ask her. please recount me what i can do about this problem! thank you!

Easiest route to have an orgasim?

Well firstly, you stipulation boobs. but if you really think you obligation a bra let your mom know why you estimate you need one and how your equipped. Start by asking her to buy you a training bra or a sports bra. Goodluck

Is it possible for a girl to have a zit on her vagina?

Sweetie you solely need a bra if you hold boobs. And trust me bras arent all they're cracked up to be!

If you hold a normal menstrual cycle (one per month)?

wait till u hit puberty or similar to till ur 11 or 12

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My daughter is 9 and she wears one. She really doesn't "NEED" to but I own her wear one to get used to it. Ask her if you can own one to get used to wearing it around the house. Good Luck !

Is it considered sex if?

my mom bought me little camis to wear underneath my shirts before i started wearing a bra. you can ask her to buy you those and later work up to a bra.

Tummy after pregnancy?

Tell her

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