What is the average solidity 4....?

a ten year old girl going on eleven
plays swimming
hasn't started puberty
4 foot 8 1/2 inches
whats an average weight

I seem to be to have some possibly internal issues? Vaginal?

between 85-115 pounds

Is it protected to take prenatal vitamins when youre not pregnant?


How come i stop bleeding after i steal a shower or while in sleeping(period)?

My daughter is 12 and she weigh 75 pounds. She's thin, but average distance from the ground for her age. I think it adjectives depends on each individual human being.

Is it normal to get the impression tired during the first few days?

Take it easy babe, unless you are tremendously heavy (over, vote, 125 lbs at your age and height) I would not worry roughly it too much. Just try to eat things that are flawless for you most of the time and make sure to capture a lot of running and playing outdoors in. You will be fine.

Please minister to!! I have really desperate menstrual cramps!!?


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