Could I procure preg?

Does anyone know my chances of getting preg. if I have my tubes tide? I was have some female problems, afterwards I went & have a DNC to see if that would help. I havent have my period contained by 2 months now. I hold had 2 childern so I know what it feel like to be preg. I am intake alot more, tired all the time. same signs. I am anxious to take a question paper, I am 36 & couldnt imagaine having another kid.

DepoProvera users?

That might administer you some of the information you are looking for. I'm 36 as well and would be worried if I got someone pregnant since I have a vasectomy at one point. Hope everything turns out negative for you.

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10%, it might be pseudo-pregnancy, a psychological disorder where on earth you think your pregnant. look it up.

Chances are your not :)

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Getting pregnant after a tubal ligation is awfully uncommon, but is not impossible. It is more than 99% important as permanent contraception, but nonetheless the occasional egg still finds its bearing out. If you think near is any chance what you are fancy is because of pregnancy, the only piece you can do is take the pregnancy interview. Better to get it over near now so you can appropriately bear care of yourself and the (potential) pregnancy.

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it has be known 4 tubes to become untied, & 4 the woman 2 b blessed with however one more miracle 2 link the family!!

I hold had sex on plentiful times.. but im still unsure if i have orgasmed,wat r the state of mind?

With the procedures used today I would guess no,but who knows.Many women hold some cycle disturbances after a D&C.To be super safe,hold your partner use a condom,and buy yourself a pregnancy test for your own peace of mind. Take nurture. SW RNP

Is a menstual a period?

It is possible. I have my tubes tied but met a woman who had like peas in a pod procedure done. A few month later she get pregnant. It's been close to 18 years. Since my tubal ligation. So I doubt that unless I turn and have them untied. I won't be have any more children.

Bust firming cream ?!?

Would that be high tide or low tide.?. lol.
Having tubes tied may block the way of eggs but they may still found a place to rest and become fertile.

I get microbes vagnosis very recurrently is there anything I can appropriate or do to prevent?

It's a drag, but there is a small fate of a normal pregnancy & a smaller unsystematic of an ectopic pregnancy. (The egg gets fertilized within the falopian tube instead of the uterus). This can be VERY serious, so bite the bullet & take the try-out. If it is an ectopic, you're going to need emergency surgery since this can end in the falopian tube to rupture & this can be life threatening. I don't be going to to scare you, by any scheme, but you should take the examination just within case. If it is + & a run of the mill pregnancy, then it's edict time. I don't know what your beliefs are & I wouldn' t dream of telling you what to do, but this is something for you & your inherited & the dad, if he's around, to discus & decide what management or course to take. Follow your instincts, grounds you already know the answer, you just necessitate to realize that you do. Best of luck.

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