Can you become pregnant from masturbating?
don't worry. it is impracticable to get pregrant while masturbating unless seman be on ur hand. d same article happens me every time i masturbate. i enjoy to go 2 d bathroom alot usually it simply lasts 4 a light of day but lately it lasts conceivably 4 3/4 days but i don't mind. it makes me not do it as normally so wen i do do it its really really really good and it is worth d bathroom problem for d few days.
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you can not get pregnant from masturbating you can single get pregnany if a man sperm gets into te vagina and meet an eggMaybe you hold a UTI. Unless there be semen involved, you cannot get pregnant from masturbating.
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Do you have semen on your fingers while masturbating?No.
You can't seize pregnant from doing yourself alone.
how antediluvian r u? have you not learn this in sex rearing? of course you cant grasp pregnant from masterbating.! muppet!
No. Pregnancy is caused by an egg and a sperm coming in contact next to each other.
Serious answers with the sole purpose please breasts?
No. Sperm doesn't just spontaneously generate.It may be a urinary tract infection. That cause frequent urination. It may be any number of other things. Go to the doctor.
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no,it is unfeasible to get pregnant by yourselfNo as you would expect u can not get pregnant from that. Gettin pregnant involves 2 extremity from the opposite sex.
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No, you can't.To get pregnant, sperm from a man wishes to get inside your vagina and to come into contact near your egg (inside your fallopian tubes). You cannot get pregant from masturbation, but if a guy have been masturbating beside you some of his sperm could get inside you by catastrophe. Obviously, if you have sex you might get hold of pregnant. If you are worried about this, see your doctor straight away.
If you are going to the toilet more its probably that you enjoy some kind of urinary tract infection.
You enjoy three holes down there: Your anus, where on earth you pass number 2s (the hole you run a dump through) your urethra (number 1 (the hole you pee though) and your vagina ( the hole where babies come out). All these places are character of close together so it's easy to achieve an urinary tract infection: an infection of the Urethra, through sex or masturbation.
You get this when you verbs bacteria from unwashed hand, or from your bum, to your urethra (the hole you pee through), which is near the entrance to your vagina.
Symptoms include going to the toilet more regularly, only endorsement a very small amount of urine. burning sensation when you pee, and like mad of discomfort. You should see a doctor, who can do a simple urine test to determine if you hold a UTI or not. You cure it by taking antibiotics and drinking lots of water and (real) cranberry liquid. If you leave it untreated, it could travel up your urinary tract and overexploit your kidneys.
Next time you masturbate, make sure your hand are clean and that you don't touch the anal nouns. If someone else masturbates you, make sure he know not to do this, and to never masturbate himself and then masturbate you: he could verbs sperm into your vagina and make you pregnant, or offer you a sexually transited infection.
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