Allergy To Latex Condoms?

A bit personal, but I am interested to hear others thoughs. After sex, or all the time if me and my boyfriend are haveing regular sex, I will be itchy, dry, and very sensitive. I know we are both verbs, so it must be the condoms. I wear latex gloves at work, but never for a long period of time, but i never own a reaction to them. if anyone else have been allergic to latex condoms or the lube, what be your reactions? thanks

Help Please!?

Either the latex or the lube could be the culprit. You can try a different lube first to see if that help.

That is exactly how I found out I was allergic to latex. After sex near condoms I was exceptionally swollen, red, itchy, and tender. It started getting more noticeable, so I would counter to latex gloves (I got a small red over-hasty over the area the gloves covered). My allergy have gotten bad ample that I have to buy latex-free bandage and I can't blow up balloons because I acquire very red and itchy everywhere latex touches me. I would only just buy the latex-free stuff if I were you. They are a short time more expensive, but you don't want to mess around with a latex allergy.

Keep track of this, though. Some vaginal infections can end in the same symptoms. If you evolution everything else and it doesn't improve, move about to your doctor.

Bloated help plz ?

You could be allergic to any the lube or the condom. I would try changing lubes first. If you still own the same problem, later buy non-latex condoms. They are more expensive, more are really good.

I've have problems with latex contained by the past and switched to the non-latex condoms. I'm have problems again now, but I reckon it's more because of the lube since we're using a new one that heat up. I just get hold of really dry and irritated. It feels approaching I'm being rubbed untouched even with the lube. Painful.

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