Can I still hold another growth spurt?

I'm 13 years old and I have my menstrual period at the age of 9 or 10. At 9 I have a growth spurt, making me 4'11", then then on 5'. Suddenly I didn't grow that tall for years. Now that I'm 13, I hold grown half an inch or one. I saw in Wikipedia that when you are 13 and 3/4 years antiquated you'll have a growth spurt (in my armour, AGAIN) of about 3 inches. In my covering is it possible?

What is PMS?

Well everyone one is different, and Wikipedia is not reliable. You may grow another 6 inches, 2 inches or not at all. If you hold an average height on both side of your domestic than it is possible that you won't be growing any taller.
Best of Luck!

How do u deal next to birth control pill side effects?

you might be able to i don't really know probably

DOes putting plain yogurt in the vagina really attain rid of yeast and bacterial infection?Anyone ever tried it?

yeah you can so good luck near being a taller girl

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