What is it resembling to own a extent?

Can any girls explain in detail: What does it feel approaching to have a menstural period? I am a guy, freshly cerious.
What do the cramps feel like? Where are they at?
What is it similar to to wear a pad and a tampon?
What does it feel approaching to bleed like that?
How can you sleep?
What causes PMS?
How long does it ultimate?
How can you just act ordinary, like nothing is going on and you are not in pain or any article?
How can a guy tell if you are on it?
Etc. Any other details to.

Left lower abdominal aching?

It only last 5-7 days thank god, and along with it comes cramps, moodswings, backpains, and bloating- joy ! powerfully anyway crams are caused because the uterus is shedding its lining because the egg be not fertalized so there would be no baby to protect. You cant really recount when a girl has her period but its really not that big of a operation, its just a part of life span.

Stretch grades?

To sum this all up it SUCKS TO BE A WOMAN! the cramps are horrible they hurt like H*** it also feel like a hundred pins in the tummy the wipe stinks and smells like rotten eggs! (really does) not sure about the bleeding I cant sleep that well-mannered a period is like PMS mine later for 5 to 7 days its hard to ack normal beside it id say a guy doe sent know when the girl have it but then again some men might say something to piss her past its sell-by date and then hes labile to have a ear full LOL jk (like i said back IT SUCKS!

Should i seize sour this birth control?

It feels like dog sh**. It is one of the worse things ever. They hurt close to hell and you dont ever want them. we also get bloating and fatigue along with so much more. It sucks to wear a wad or tampon its uncomfortable imagine sticking a weinee up your butt next to a string attached to it add water and it expands. Prbably doesnt nouns to comfortable huh? It sucks you have to watch every move you kind, go to the bathroom all the time. lots of things do PMS our hormones are raging and every little thing pisses us off. It can end anywhere from the day it starts to 7 days or even longer depends on the girl and her body. not everyone can act close to theres no problem and the ones who do are either having a exceptionally light one or are almost over it but then again adjectives girls do not have the same symptoms as others we are adjectives different. you can't tell were on it unless one we recount you or two theres an accident it would be embarrasing if guys knew we be on it. why is this something you want to know? It is not a joy in go to experience and I hate when it comes as Im sure it is that way for everyone. The one biddable thing is most people hang around for it to find out that there not pregnant although thats not accurate cause women can still be pregnant and hold a period. hope this is enough info.

Period oblige?

It's diffrent for adjectives girls but most get cramps,cravings(Like chocolate). Cramps feel approaching you’re being stabbed (atleast to me) around the left or right side of your pelvis. A wad feels like a diaper and a tampon is of late painful to wear at first. You really don’t feel anything when you’re bleeding so it’s comfortable to sleep. No one knows what causes PMS but our best guess is because of hormones. It usually take up to week or more for PMS to go away. When we are in backache we show it but normally it isn’t constant, and if it is, most girls take backache killers for it. Guys can tell by irritability and cravings.

Hope this help. Like I said, all girls are different when it comes to these things.

Birth control - tardy extent? is it conventional?

cramps are painful. usually surrounded by the abdomen and lower back
pad-feels resembling u peed your pants. tampon very comfortable forget you own it in.
you really don't feel yourself bleeding
sleep find
PMS is cause by your period coming
lasts 5-7 days
stroke normal because you can take midol or tylenol.
a guy can't let somebody know
periods are not that bad...its organic.

I get a antenna bleed from going on Kingda ka. What do I do? My spinal nerves are bloodshed me as in good health...?

the cramps are horrible , like shooting pains in your stomach...pad stink and are not very safe , and tampons sometimes grain uncomfortable , but you get used to it,u don't sleep , u be aware of bloated , ur clothes don't fit , your always miserable, mine lasts 5 days , oh and sometimes u procure this weird feeling that your vagina is roughly speaking to drop out

Can your eyes find discouraging by using the computer everyday for a long interval of time?

geez...your full of questions, to sum it all up it adjectives sucks all together.

Could anyone inform me if i can use the pink diet patch next to have the implanon contained by?

To sum it up, it sux to be a girl.

My girlfriend is a virgin and we want to own sex. When I break her hymen, will near be much blood?

Its totally normal for you to be curious! Okay. Well two adjectives things that happen before and during a girls time are lower back aches and cramps. Back ache feel sore and cramps kind of have a feeling like when you have to dance poo and you have a stomach ache, but it hurts more contained by the area under your belly button, between your hips contained by front. Girls can take Advil or Alieve to soothe these pains.
Wearing a pad sort of feel like your peeing every so often while wearing a diaper..contained by a way damp and uncontrolling. Putting within a tampon kind of fills you up, approaching the size of one finger in your vagina, but once it's in, you don't really quality it any more and the tampon string hangs out for removal. It's much more comfy than a pad!
To bleed resembling that almost feels like you are wet your pants a little but you cant control it at adjectives. It's not painful like a cut though or anything.
PMS is cause by the rush of hormones running through a girls body at the time of the menstrual cycle. It makes girls really emotional and efficiently irritated, bothered, and grumpy.
Periods usually last about a week. They re-occur roughly once at one and the same time every month.
Periods aren't so bad actually. Not much torment is involved unless you have cramps or lower back strain. If there is pain, simply give somebody a lift some medicine and a girl is good to be in motion! Theres nothing to 'act normal' about because period are normal in everyday energy for females.
Guys can tell if a girl has her time if her purse is stocked with over 2 tampons, if she is grumpy, sad, sleepy, or irritated, if she have an abnormal breakout (more pimples than usual), and if she complains of pains or smells bad (like period).
Tip: If your girl have her period, pick her up some chocolate!! That is always much appreciated!
Hope this is what your looking for!

Which is more sore but more lovely?

Can have a?
Birth control...?
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