Recent Surgery Gone Wrong...? Advice?

Has anyone ever dealt beside the doctors sqrewing something up? I went surrounded by for a removal of a vaginal cyst. My OB said they are rare, but easity removed. After a "simple" out lenient procedure & 1 hour in reclamation, my husband took me home. She said to rest alot for the next few days. So i took a siesta. I woke up 1/2 hour later COVERED contained by blood. I got up and blood and clots be litteraly pooring out of me. All i could do was lay on my shower floor untill the ambulance get there. They rushed me hindmost to the hospital (this time emergency). I got a 2nd surgery done matching day. She admited she give me medicine to stop the bleeding at the 1st procedure. And in a round in the region of way, admited to not stitching me up right. So the drug obviosly wore off while i be sleeping. What are my rights here? Should i just christen the hospital and tell them i should not own to pay? I call a lawyer a moment ago wondering and he wanted 10,000! geez.. im not out to draw from lots of money, just fairness.

Cycle hasn't come nonetheless..could she be pregnant?

well where on earth was it bleeding? if it be your arm then put on a tie aid

What is you opinion on Abortion?

If you enjoy suffered from this talk directly to the surgeon roughly speaking payment arrangements and if they're not prepared to listen you should definitely desire representation from an attorney because you could suffer furture complications. Don't stop at one lawyer hold on to looking until you find a suitable price. This site may be able to serve in your go through.

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