Tubes tied??
Answers: Actually, the occupancy "tubes tied" is a misnomer. It's actually a tubal ligation, they cut and cauterize the fallopian tubes, although sometimes they will put stainless steel clips on the clipped ends as ably. All it prevents is conception, because the ovum can't get previous the break to be fertilized. You still ovulate, and you still have a monthly time. However, I wouldn't recommend it. The procedure is also associated with stout periods and cycle disruptions that usually ending with a hysterectomy. Nobody understand exactly why this is, since it shouldn't logically happen- but it does, a lot. It's easier to clip the fellow, and nearby are less side effects that track. Plus, it doesn't require a stay in the hospital overnight any.
when you get your tubes tied that is to say just to prevent your time of year. I do not have the solid facts but you still have a average period Yes you still own a period.
yes my sister does yes you still take your period, because your time is the shedding of the lining of your uterus and that have nothing to do near your tubes. your egg dissolves where the tube have been tied rotten but you still have to shed your inside layer so you still have a interval