I have my term and dont feel moral =[?

im having my interval and feel resembling *.. do you have any tips for idea better? Im having craps, bloating, ... helpp please..

gratitude =]

3 more days (hopefully)

Why did my question acquire deleted?

Hi. :) I can sympathise near you here, I get appalling cramps myself. Ibuprofen works well to security the pain of any outstandingly bad cramps you may experience, and near are also tablets you can buy from your local pharmacy that are specifically targetted to help near menstrual cramps and other icky feelings.

Try a thaw out hot water bottle insubstantially pressed against your tummy, as well. This can relief sooth the pain. You can also buy special fry pads that stick to your tummy and release a peaceable heat.

Lastly, exercise weakly (walk the dog, take a trip to your local cornershop, anything approaching that), rather than sitting around and curling up. It unambiguously helps, trust me!

Good luck. :]

Yeast infection?

Eat chocolate.. works for me

What does it tight-fisted to have mane around your nipples?

I have horrid period too. My husband actually did this for me. Lay on the couch, heat pad on your final, ice pack on your tummy. I own no idea how it works, but it does! And give somebody a lift some Advil and treat yourself like you own the flu. Good luck, hon!

Is it normal?

Make yourself some hot chocolate or no caffeine tea. Kick wager on with a book or keep watch on some tv. Put a hot water bottle on your lower abdomin it will give support to you feel so much better. But if you want drugs help yourself to Midol or something. Sit in your favorite chair. Also a hot soak other makes me perceive better. Hope you feel better soon hun :)

PCOS - Do I Have It?

when i bring my menstral always lacking fail two weeks since i start running a high restlessness, nausa, diaherria. achy body. its like getting the flu every single month the with the sole purpose thing i can recommend that help is get plenty of rest, lots lots of liquid for the bloating drink a beer it helps, also if you approaching eggs get a iron skillet and fry u one or two and chomp through those it helps beside the iron. and also another thing is a awesome heat pad..and perchance a warm hip bath.

Gril problems?

hello Sal Gal

for instant hits

- hot water bottle & reheat bed.
- hot bath

for the future

- Magnesium & Oil of Primrose/Star Flower
- Coconut oil
- Agnus Castus

Hope you consistency better soon


Could i be going through another growth spurt?

Yes drink a cup of ginger tea with ginger peel. If not try drinking Rasberry tea. Helps alot. In adjectives, if you suffer from cramps during every period a obedient thing to do would be to pick up a condition lifestyle, exercise and maybe cleaning out your system since your period. All these tips lend a hand so if you can do them please do it. I used to have pains every length. Pains that prevent me from doing anything when I have a time. Now it is alot better. Doctors told me to take the pill to alleviate somewhat of the pain and it help...a little. Not ample. But now I no longer pinch the pill, all I do is exercise and try my best to chomp through properly and I am fine

Where in the world is carmen san diego?

some girls find it better to excercise or take a hip bath. do whatever you reflect on feels right for you? x

Thrush within pregnancy- treatment?

Ibprofen, water, and a Therma Care roast patch. Works like a charm, and is portable. Also try going for a hoof it.

(the lower back rub is moral too, if you have someone nice adequate to do that for you!)

I also try to distract myself by getting involved in something that I have to really suggest about. I integer if my mind is concentrating on something else, it'll make the niggle not so strong.

I also found that going on birth control helped tremendously for the cramps. I used to capture, fall on my knees, not competent to walk cramps. Now, on birth control, they are tolerable.

Best wishes!

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oh god thhee crammmpsss
okay this is what i do
1st i rob a pill, hahah
2nd i take a thaw out bath
3rd i get some chocolate(for the hell of it) and i lay my on the couch and scrutinize some tv
but make sure you enjoy your feet up on something, "elevated"
yeah and exersise works too
but mine hurt alot and its complicated to walk when im similar to AHHH

works for me
and i have the worst cramps

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