Could i be going through another growth spurt?

backround check- im 17. i am 5'7, i weight 118 lbs. i havent have my period within 8 1/2 months. i eat in good health, i drink water, i excerise something like 3 times a week for 25 min. im not anorexic.

im not pregnant.
has my time stopped because i might be going thro another growth spurt?

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Many women are irregular like this their entire lives, although as you grasp older it will probably be more frequent.
It sounds close to you are thin, and that regularly contributes to it.
Check with your Dr. the subsequent time you have a check up to be on the secure side. If you are not having any symptoms, close to pain or bloating, it is most possible not a problem. You also could be a late bloomer.

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