Pain in my nouns, shoulder, and even chest?
How can you pee surrounded by public when there are no restrooms around?
It may "of late: be a spasm but since it is encompassing such a large nouns you really need to be see. I understand you do not own insurance but.Go to the ER. They have to see you. You cannot verbs taking Advil around the clock - it will tear your stomach apart since you know it.
Ladies: What is your daily routine for keeping your skin looking great?
RELY ON Y/A ?---I'D PREFERR TO OBTAIN A CORRECT ANSWER FROM MY PERSONAL M.D. !- This is very improtant to me, please help. It's about Irregular periods..?
- Can i make my period lighter and shorter?
- Vaginal dryness, no discharge or bad smell but cracked feel, has gone on for years.?
- Period shakes?
- How can I..?
- I've come on my spell 2 weeks impulsive. The bleeding is so stocky i enjoy 2 amendment tampon every 15 mins! average?
- Why does she stink??
- What do the associates at planned paternity hold to do at a physical?