Still BLEEDING!is at hand something wrong?!?

I was lately fingered really deep and rough and it be very aching this was one and only a few days after my period but i looked down and my pant were covered surrounded by blood.

it was not the first time i be fingered!
This was more than a week ago...
the bleeding have almost stopped by the weekend and i lost my virginity on that saturday night...
this did not hurt me at adjectives and i didnt bleed that night...
however on sunday the bleeding started again...although it is not alot it is a really dark brown sort of colour but does not smell funny!!

Please HELP its kinda worrying me in a minute...
im 16 nearly 17 if this has any relevance and please no answers roughly being too babyish and stuff...i was equipped for it and enjoyed myself!!

I involve help? Question something like the hymen?

It sounds like one of two things have happened. If the 'finger' encounter be rough and deep, later chances are it have popped your cherry - your hymen. If not, then it could enjoy caused an irritation. The skin inside is unbelievably sensitive and your lady bits hold to be treated with respect, otherwise they will bleed for a few days. If it carry on for much longer, I advise you to turn to the doctor and explain exactly what has happen. Other than that, just help yourself to it as par for the course - some girls bleed when they lose their virginity, others don't. It sounds like the first encounter might hold caused a bleed, consequently when you had sex, it aggravated the problem. I don't expect it has much to do next to your menstrual cycle, but certainly save an eye on it. Stay safe.

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you enjoy to stop because that was more close to an injury and you could hurt yourself if it was so rough

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i don't really come up with there will be anything wrong but if it doesn't stop in a few days after go see your doctor

Have ypu ever have sex with a girl and I'm simply taking to the grils?

Its probably still healing and have sex opened the wound again.
Dont hold sex for a few weeks so that it completely heals.

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ok uhmm...
if i were you psyche go to the clinic because he mightve torn something.or your probably have a side effect of something.

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It may be irritation. There may have be a lack of lubrication which cause the irritation. However, if it continues and or is flowing like your cycle you will stipulation to see a gyn. There is also a chance that nearby is an ovarian cyst which may have be disturbed which can cause bleeding. Do not consent to it continue more after a week or so.

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OK, first of all- your judgment and I am not going to judge you for it.
Secondly turn to a sexual health clinic or your doctor because you wont procure the help you inevitability here, only judgement and criticism.
I am not going to speculate on what is wrong because I really don't know, but please report your boyfriend to be more gentle next to you in adjectives.

Is this my period?

I know you are worried, probably nought, it's not fresh blood because it's brown not red but go to the doctor and catch checked out. Did you use contraception on Saturday night? if you're going to have sex regularly talk to the doctor something like that too babe.

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Well first of all if you where on earth finger to rough that could cause the problem. It teared your walls and when you have sex it made it worst. I would stay away from sexual intercourse for a while until it heals.or it might make happen an infection. Take a warm tub and if you still feel uncomfotable run see your gyno

Birth control?

it is just residual from your length that is why it is shade, plus losing your virginity your hymen (cherry) is popped.

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lay off it for a few days and transmit your bloke to take his view of next time ,

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first of all relax, stress can contribute to plentiful things female related, the first time that i have sex it did not break my cherry, dont ask me why it just didnt, happen on the 2nd attempt, that is what sounds happen to you. Being brown means that it is older blood, give it a couple days and you should be fine. Take it uncomplicated and if there is torment related or it doesnt stop in a week telephone call the doctor. honestly I think you will be fine

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Hello Hunny,
Dont be worried. You be ready and used protection, in consequence you are being responsible (yippy). Secondly, i believe that your period be not fully gone...sometimes it stops for a lil while and comes back. Then he "fingered" you roughly and after you lost your just want a breather. Thats alot for your vagina to handle contained by such a short amount of time (period, first-time intercourse, etc.) I would suggest going to a GYN just because u are immediately sexually active but you nouns okay since you do not have an odor or twinge.

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it would recomend going to the doctors you may have be damadged and need stitching or anitbiotics incase you grasp and infection. it sounds to me like you hold a samll tear within your avgina wall. you really ahouldn't do things that really hurt you like that.

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