Desperate to gain mass 21yr old mother and just 38kg?

i'm 21 156 cm and i went from 42kg to 38kg. i desperatly want to gain bulk. I've had a child and my thyroids hold been checked. The doctor seem to think im fine i consistency that i'm beginning to go and get dangerously low i be aware of healthy adequate but cant seem to gain no event how much i eat! any suggestions do u cogitate there is something more going on or should i try consignment gain shakes and if so which ones are the best to use.

I've never taken birth control before. My doctor told me to start taking it the sunday after my cycle ends.

You utter you feel wholesome your doc says your ok. Don`t verbs you have a dignified metabolism you burn food up quicker than some. You are a mother you`ll be running around doing various things burning up more dynamism. Don`t try to put it on be happy that you are slim and probably attractive to most guys. Time will come when you will be motto why can`t I be like I be when I was 21, lol.

What do you assume?

all I can suggest is not doing any exercise and eating as much fatty foods as you can.

Yahoo stated that they are doing some updates so we might experience some irregularities, how did they know I?

Your doctor is nuts; you obligation a new one.

You should be surrounded by touch with a nutritionist, too. If you're doing your best and it's still out of action, you need serve. Also, have some labwork attendance might be something there that a pill or supplement can back. Protein shakes and protein bars will backing, but make sure that you are also getting plenty carbs and fats.

What time do you lug your BC pill?

try weight gain shakes! my ex could NOT gain immensity until trying those - she didn't gain much, but did gain.

just step to the store and look in the sector that has the protein/ diet stuff - look for the mixes that say aloud that they are for gaining mass - then drink LOTS.


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