I really have need of some advice!?! please oblige?

the last three months i've be having two period each month but when the second preiod comes i own really bad cramps, nausa and really sore boobs and headache.. has anyone else experienced two period once a month?
i've had my time of year for 8 years and it aways was regular i never have this problem before.. can somebody comfort im concerned and my doctor is useless =(

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I've never had two period, that has to be dismal having two period, but the most common judgment for bleeding twice in one calendar month occurs when a mundane period begin on the first or second day of the month, and next another arrives at the very ruin; because the normal cycle length (from the first time of one to the first day of the next) ranges from 23 to 35 days, this can allow two without fault normal period to arrive in alike calendar month. Most of the time, however, when women talk almost having two period in a month, they are not referring to this circumstance. Often they scrounging they are starting a period every two weeks or so -- indeed less than the 23-day interval explicitly considered within the mundane range.
Anything that can disrupt the petite hormonal dance that produces ovulation can organize to either skipped period or periods that come too regularly. Hormonal imbalance as a wreak of frequent periods is regularly seen as a woman near menopause. Thyroid dysfunction may also be a factor.

Another reasons for twice-a-month period is abnormal thicken of the uterine lining. This thicken can be due to hormonal imbalance or to taking estrogen minus a progesterone medication as well; estrogen cause the uterine lining to proliferate and become sticky and lush, while progesterone thins out the lining; a harmonize between these two hormones is necessary to ensure regular, moderate period.

Polyps (projections of tissue that protrude into the uterine cavity) or fibroids that impinge on the uterine cavity may also cause irregular period. In this case, the uterine facing tissue that overlies these projections is less stable, increasing the opening that it will be shed at an inappropriate time. Also, fibroids and polyps increase the surface nouns of the uterine lining, habitually leading to prolonged and heavier bleeding.

If your period are coming less than 23 days apart (counted from the outset of one to the beginning of the next), after you should see your gynecologist. A biopsy may be necessary to rule out an extraordinary thickening of the uterine pool liner. Blood tests may be done to assess hormone level. Most of the time the reason for frequent bleeding is benign, but occasionally the problem can be more serious; for this cause, and because excess bleeding can lead to anemia, too-frequent period must be investigated.

I have piled immensity on in the second few months?

It's time... way bygone time, really... to make an appointment next to your gynecologist.

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find a new doctor!

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I would seek a topical OB/GYN. It is not normal to own more than one period per month. A *normal* cycle occur every 28 days. Your previous periods nouns normal. You are probably experiencing a hormonal disparity. Get a second opinion. This is from a nurse.

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I meditate you're having a hormonal problem. I also suggest you pop in a Gynecologist for that matter. You don't hold to go spinal column to your old doctor.

Can someone assistance?

You may have fibroids they end in excessive bleeding! I hope you find out what is wrong with you.I desire you the best.

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