Is there something wrong near me?

The past month or two Ive be using the bathroom alot. To start when I'd go out within public I'd get this beefy pressure on my bladder like I have to go really discouraging and when I'd get to the bathroom I hardly went. Well immediately I can drink half a chalice of water and not even 10mins after that I have to jump and at night im constantly wake up and going to the restroom. Last night for example I woke up nearly 3times having to budge really bad and dont the conventional person move about to the restroom like once and be ok til the morning? Im a short time ago wondering if theres something wrong with me and if I can fix it...

Im 28 years prehistoric and i have NO sex drive. what can i do or cart to get my drive subsidise up.?

It's possible you have a urinary tract infection (UTI) or could be becoming diabetic. I would form an appointment with your people doctor.

Should i orgasm or not?

this used to happen to me. my doctor said it be bladder spasms. your bladder squeezes when you need to walk to let you know it's time, but sometimes it can own spasms and make you devise you have to stir, when really there isn't much in that. a simple prescription medicine fixed it for me.

Skin problem which started during pregnancy?

that happen to me and I found out I was pregnant. Not to shock you but it's a possibility. See a dr. or preg. try-out to rule it out. best wishes!

My vigina swollen on one side?

well it is possible that you have a bladder infection so i would turn to the doctor if i were you

Vagina Throbbing and Pain?

It could be possible that you own a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).
Does it ever hurt when you go pee?
Is your urine cloudy looking?
Does it ever hurt to walk?

Symptoms of UTI or bladder infection are not easy to miss and include a strong urge to urinate that cannot be delayed which is followed by a sharp dull pain or burning sensation in the urethra when the urine is released. Most often severely little urine is released and the urine that is released may be tinged near blood. The urge to urinate recurs summarily and soreness may occur contained by the lower abdomen, rear legs, or sides.

This cycle may repeat itself frequently during the day or night--most ethnic group urinate about six times a morning, when the need to urinate occur more often a bladder infection should be suspected.

When germs enters the ureters and spread to the kidneys, symptoms such as stern pain, chills, restlessness, nausea, and vomiting may occur, as in good health as the previous symptoms of lower urinary tract infection.

Proper diagnosis is vital since these symptoms can also be cause by other problems such as infections of the vagina or vulva. Only your physician can make the distinction and kind a correct diagnosis...

Is pregnancy possible??

If your worried it's about time you draw from in to see a doctor..
Good luck!

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