This is going to sound chance but please keep your be determined comments to yourself.

Two years ago I had taken a shower , i be sitten on the ground. And i felt something drizzling. I looked around felt it again. ( i wsa young) My dog be licking my you know what. he only likced near three times. two werent anywhere close to the actual crack but the third was
It really started bothering me a couple weeks ago.
THAT be 1-2 YEARS AGO!. nothing have happened except yeast
Im wondering if i could die ofr be seriously in poor health from that.
I don treallly understand your answer...
Will i bring sick from this?
(I think i enjoy had a yeast infection fro 2 years , i go to the doctors yesterday and she gave me treatments.)
Could i die or take very off-colour?
(Is thsi something to tell someone contained by person? Should i bring up to date my mom?)
Is this life threatening for me and my adjectives children?
(can i still have any.)
After my long yeast infections gone,do i still own things to worry nearly?
tell me if you a doctor/RN et

Answers:    Dog saliva destroys the "fitting bacteria" that keeps the vagina clean, good germs helps hold on to the vagina a little bit bitter which keeps "discouraging bacteria" from growing too fast, if it grows too hurriedly it causes infections (vaginitis)
*I cogitate I get what you are axiom.you had a yeast infection and wait almost 2 years before going to the doctor and presently are using the medicated creme.
Yeast infections can cause severe discomfort, (burning and itching) along beside a cottage cheese-like discharge, but rarely produce serious health problems.
Left untreated, vaginal yeast infections regularly clear up on their own, usually when your period begin. Menstrual blood raises the vaginal pH, reducing yeast cell because they can't grow in the pH present within the vagina during menstruation.
Once you finish the medication and the infection clears up and doesn't return, don't worry give or take a few it...
if it does return tell your doctor surrounded by private about what your dog did.
If you ever grasp another infection go to the doctor right away...untreated bacterial vaginitis can front to a painful pelvic inflammatory disease which can impose infertility.
It's not often I am lost for words but OH MY GOD! it be 2 years ago so probley wasn't that
Honestly I Don't think it's Deadly/deeply bad in anyway. If your doctor didn't influence anything to you then I reflect it should be fine. That's my 2 cents. ws the yeast infection caused from your dog?
Why u write so much wow that be sick dog thing ,,, and no your not going to die your live and you will still be capable of have children,,,
I would be more concerned in the order of your mental health than your physical vigour.

No, you are not going to die. A dogs mouth is cleaner than a humans. It had nought to do with your yeast infection. It will not affect your adjectives children. It won't affect anything at all.

I would, however, recommend that you hope counseling. This is obviously bothering you a large amount.
You are fine, so stop worrying. You won't die because your dog licked your vagina. You will still be capable of have children, and I don't meditate it is possible to have a yeast infection for 1 or 2 years. When you own a yeast infection, you itch, burn, and have other unendurable symptoms. If the doctor looked at your vagina, then she be checking it. You should probably tell your mom is she doesn't already know. Not because near is anything wrong with you, but a moment ago because she should know what has happen to you. Hope this helps! ;P SWEETIE YOU ARE WORRING FOR NOTHING YEAST INFECTIONS COME AND GO EVEN MEN GET THEM. YOUR DOG DIDN'T KNOW ANY BETTER JUST TAKE CARE OF YOUR SELF AND STOP WORRING. I HAVE A FRIEND THAT HAS CRONIC YEAST INFECTIONS AND SHE NOW HAS 3 KIDS.AND MY SISTER WORKS FOR A OB OFFICE SO JUST RELAX OK .

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