PMS Relief Needed...?

Help! My wife suffers from severe PMS irritability/depression/anxiet...

Is there anything I can do to craft this monthly thing step smoothly.

Please Please Please give me some suggestion.

Can someone explain/clarify this please?

I think it's so sweet that you are even trying to attain help! Okay, try to be as supportive as you can, but when you get a breaking point, run. Tell her that perhaps she could use some 'alone time,' and see if here's anything she'd like within your absence. If she's the clingy type, in recent times hang surrounded by there, it's solitary once a month.

Focus on how much you love her ;-P !

I have really excruciating backache in my subsidise and my stomach, whats wrong with me?

Give her some grey chocolate, seriously. Also, some progesterone cream (buy it at the health food store), it works wonders!

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