Do i own bulemia?

Ok so about three months ago i started making myself sick ,i didnt starve myself since that though ,my mum caught me after a couple of days and then i stopped doing it regularly however i still take the temptation to create myself sick wenever i have eat to much or eaten unwanted items food and sometimes i make myself sick wen no1s around. i've merely made myself sick a few times since my mum caught me though. i dont think i own bulemia but since the resent press intrest in eating disorders im slightly worried just about myself.

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It sounds close to you do...But its good that you're parents are helping you, as it sounds it hasn't gotten too serious.

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do you seriously entail to ask people on the web if you have bulimia! You own to figure that out for your self. There isn't recent press interest on it. Its be around forever! Whether or not you think you hold "bulimia" what you are doing is unhealthy grasp real serve rather than from yahooligans.

Girls answer one and only. I'm 16 and want to know is it weird for me to be thinking more or less sex but not ready for it.

Bulimia is described as described as binging, (eating a undamaged lot), then purging (puking it hindmost up). So technically you could be classified as a bulimic but whether or not this behavior is an uncontrollable disorder or lately a result of societal pressure or any other reason could opt whether or not you need to see somebody give or take a few it or not. I would not encourage what you are doing though, it is extraordinarily unhealthy.

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if thinking you own bulemia freaks you out and causes you intense distress, then dont have a sneaking suspicion that about it similar to that. tell the those close to you who may have notice or will notice, and guardianship about you, and can give a hand you (ie your mum, your best friend etc), that sometimes when you've eaten too much, you receive the compulsion to sort yourself sick. ask them not to talk something like it like an intake disorder, but to be sensitive and look out for you.

most girls who have experiances similar to this, ie getting worried about their solidity, maybe not intake enough, or making themselves sick a few times, will not develop fully blown consumption disordrs. its not helpful for them or their loved ones if their given those label, with connotation of seriously below par women. the fact your a bit worried going on for it shows your unlikely to continue or return with worse. it also sounds as if youve got self control, its not as if you capture an uncontrillable urge and its ruling your life.

it sounds approaching you know what you did on those few occasions be unhealthy way of life. like i said, have a chat to the people you trust just about it, and i'm sure you can sort it out, and you'll be completely healthy.

best wishes xxx

Im 14 and I still didnt attain my period?

it doesn't nouns like enjoy a full fledged case of bulemia...purely a tendancy for to be bulemic. a tendancy is much easier to rid yourself of than the full fledged disorder. this is something that you've really got to look inside yourself and articulate, do i really want to do this to myself? and then transport control of yourself and say no, this is in recent times going to make me poorly and cause severe form problems down the road. even though you might not do it as frequently as someone else over time you will still see the devastating effects its going to have on your body. especially your mouth. stomach bitter rots away teeth, it will rot away your esophagus and give you ulcer in adjectives of your digestive tissues. the best way to avoid doing this is to avoid the way of life that brings it on. don't binge eat anything that you're going to touch bad more or less later. if you do, turn outside and talk a tramp or jog or doesn`t matter what to burn it off instead of purging it. pocket control of your life, own a plan for dealing with different situations that might bring it on or even enjoy a plan for what you should do instead of binging if you do happen to quality bad something like what you ate.

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Yes that is what bulemia is - binging and purging. Eating and consequently throwing it up worrying about what calories are going into the body. You should start getting psychiatric therapy now to prevent it from getting worse.

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Yes you do.I be anorexic (they say malnurished surrounded by my country to sound better) for 12 years and neither my parentsand I know. Believe me it isn't a good premonition you go to the toilet regurlary you find so thin you bones can be see.i ate perfectly powerfully at first and then continued to starve mysel fcuz i get really fat and get stretch marks From 57lbs to 100lbs .I stopped when the syptoms come back so i get counselling .today i have learn tht you don't have to starve yourself to be slim,a short time ago have a apposite diet so what i do is tht I eat three times a morning and anytime i fell hungry i drink a glass of hose,water is extraordinarily important to the body so near is nothing wrong near drinking eat.I also lift supplements believe me it is working perfectly in good health for me.I advise you to do one and the same but you can't start to take 3 meal per day as u start do it at a snail`s pace please note tht u must bear a little cast-offs it is essential for the body its just too much thts desperate,drink a glass of sea when you feel hungry and run supplemnts oh you'll go to the bathroom regularly but don't verbs its safe.
Good luck and letters me to let me know how it go.
I am 5ft 3 119lbs 16 going on 17 I had this condition at a 13 yr matured.
Get counselling, ask ur parents to help you they will,All the best.

Does anyone own any idea's on what to do beside depression eatting?

It sounds like you own bulimia to me, or at least you're on your passageway to having the full blown disease. I can relate to you because I've struggled near this disease for several years. Making yourself vomit when nobody is around is a classic sign and I did that alot when I was stressed out. The constant guilt after drinking sweets and junk food be always overwhelming. If you tolerate this get worse you'll commence to hate yourself and quality out of control.

You should really acquire help and tell to someone now beforehand it gets worse. I go to see a counselor and had weekly sessions for several months. I be also placed on an anti-depressent which really helped me cope near the stress that was triggering my intake disorder. You can see a counselor and talk to someone minus your mom even knowing. Are you in school or at university? They are required to own free counselors to help near this type of thing.

Honestly getting support now will be the best piece you can do for yourself. I'm so glad I talked to someone. The urge to vomit will other be there but getting some support will give you the strength to stop vomiting.

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