Besides being pregnant, why would women be really past due with their spell?

My girlfriend doesnt have yahoo question so i decided psyche ask the question for girlfriend hasnt have her period since December 1 2006 and its immediately february...shes not pregnant TRUST ME and she wants to know if anyone know why shes not getting it...she did go to the doctors a couple months ago and said that she have a hormonal imbalance plus shes be under alot of stress lately...could that be the origin? or is there something else.....what do you estimate she should do?

During the time I was sopposed to own my period i spotted incredibly lightly and merely in the morning.?

Right, this depends on 1) her age, 2) whether she is taking any hormone replacement tablets or the contraceptive pill and 3) if she have been pregnant until that time.
Lets deal near NO.1 first:

1) Some women's periods are irregular anyway and bear some time to settle down if the woman has be under any severe stress or trauma just now. You should have noted her age as this would hold been more effective. If she is overweight and around her thirties to early forties, this could be set to an early menopause, which is your body's means of access of telling you that your fertility rate is decreasing as a result of your poor BMI, mixed near your age. This early menopause doesn't necessarily be determined that your periods will stop altogether, it can sometimes imply that you will have a interval once every 3 or 6 months, for example. And then, as your age increases, the menopause will truly appear.

If you are not here age boundary and are younger, then i suggest taking existence easier, talking to inhabitants to handle your stress better. It's not merely about anyone stressed, it's how you deal near it and manage it that counts. Make sure that you stay rotten of the alcohol, caffeine and drink plenty of water/fluids (at least 1 litre a day), and drink 5 fruit and veg a day. Try this foreign diet for about 2 weeks and see how you surface. Your body will customise itself to the new system and will hopefully; sort itself out.

2) If she is taking a hormone replacement tablet this can affect her period for a while and make them slightly irregular. This is nought to worry give or take a few as it is your body's way of coping next to the hormone change. If she is taking the contraceptive pill after her periods will stop for a while as the body become adapted to the new hormone swing. However, most contraceptive pills are based on a "lug a pill once a day for 21 days and later don't take a pill for 7 days out of the month to allow yourself a period" regime.

3) If you hold just have a baby , consequently of course, your body will purloin some time in going pay for to the way it be before the pregnancy. I do suggest if No.3 is the suitcase here that your girlfriend buys some maternity towels as stout bleeding can occur after a pregnancy.

Women are complicated individuals and for the time human being i should not worry too much something like her periods, especially if she is a mostly healthy personality.

Hope your girlfriend has a term soon!

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Before I got on the pill, my length would go MIA if I be stressed out. It's not a huge deal.

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If she is very physically fit, her bodyfat could be so low that she doesn't ovulate, as a consequence, no period.

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hormonal inbalances can make a girl not hold her period, also becoming more moving in sports can rationale that to happen.

basically to be certain she should hold a pregnancy test done. but not have it for three months could be the sign of some other illnessses that may need to be looked into.

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Your health and stress can sort you stop having your interval, girls that are anorexic will quit having them also.

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Could be hormonal, could be stress. Those are two valid reason for it to go MIA. Also, if she lost a great deal of weight and is underweight, she could stop getting it. If she just this minute went sour the pill, it could be missing for a few months. Tell her to relax and if it doesn't come back, she might want to jump back to the doctor's to find an exact explanation and a solution.

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It could easily be due to stress, or disease or any weight fluctuations. The pill should regulate them, but she should unambiguously talk to her doctor again to net sure there aren't any other underlying reason as to why it hasn't arrived yet.

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the hormonal imbalance is why the doctor wants to and should have at the time put her on birth control its whats used to fix this problem stir back to the doctor

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most likely it is what the dr. said if she is really worried and does not start soon the dr. can grant her meds. that will make her start her time.

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Stress alone will do it, but then resting on it a hormonal imbalance that will do it to if she's be to the Dr and they told her that she just wishes to calm down and relax. Less stress within her life would serve her out and she need to receive more organized, try to be less stressed it is particularly unhealthy.

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could possibly be stress although its not supposed to delay it for three months...r u sure shes not pregnant? it also possibly a hormonal yeah.. i would def. recommend going to see the doctor, near has to b sumthin the doc can do

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It could without doubt be related to stress. If she's lost or gained consignment recently, that could effect her term, also. Her exercise routine, the amount of fat surrounded by her body, even her diet could effect her cycle, so don't worry too much roughly speaking it (easier said than done, I know). Women don't actually necessitate to bleed every month. As long as she bleeds at least 4 times a year, to be exact enough to shed her uterine facing and stay healthy. So missing a term here and there shouldn't be exact for concern. Have her keep a copy of when she gets them, how long they finishing for, and if she has any other symptoms that progress along with her term (cramps, headaches, etc.) and her solidity and activity horizontal for the month. After a few months, looking back at her text could show a pattern.

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It can happen if she is underneath a lot of stress, if her cargo changes, as resourcefully as hormones. She should have a complete physical nouns as well as a gynological nouns to rule out any problems. She could be anemic, etc., and with proper treatment her cycles can return to ordinary. Some women have problems have regular cycles anyway and sometimes have to rob birth control pills in their 40s and 50s to regulate them.

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If there is certainly no way she is pregnant..yes, it could be stress. It could be PCOS. It could be thyroid, or endometriosis, or even her adrenal glands not functioning properly. ALL of those conditions involve to the be checked out by a doctor. She needs to see an OB/GYN, not a broad practitioner. Tell her to call around to find a pharmacist that does custom compounding prescriptions and ask the pharmacist to recommend a womens condition doctor who keeps up next to more natural therapy. Some doctors want to treat you with horse hormones and prescription drugs, when other things work better. These are indistinguishable doctors who tend to want to do surgery when there are other ways around it. Some medication are necessary. Metformin is used to regulate blood sugar for those beside PCOS. Endometriosis may require surgery. For hormone imbalances, plant base custom compounded prescriptions are SOOO much better for you than traditional Hormone replacement therapy. Those are made from pregnant horse pee and chemically altered and next given to patients! AAAUUGHH! Plant based hormones are much better for you, but they are lawfully new and the feeble docs are sticking to the old ways. They are making leap and bounds in women's condition care, so you obligation someone who is up on what's new to treat your friend. I'm not discussion about a holistic practitioner...only just one who is keeping up with whats untried in womens condition.

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Stress can definitely inflict a delayed period. She wants to get to the root of what is cause her stress and try to alleviate it in some ways. Too much stress will own other ill effects on her vigour besides missed periods.

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Yes, it could be stress, imbalanced hormones like you said. She should start drinking alot of sea, stop stressing over things and oh yeah, keep her appointments next to her doctor or gynocoligist. And tell her to not verbs about it. Her interval will come soon.

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