Are some people more prone to stretch grades than others?

I was wondering whether clear in your mind skin types are more prone to developing stretch marks than others? I agree I am overweight, but not hugely so, and it's been a gradual bulk gain - I've never suddenly gained a sizeable amount of weight within a short space of time.

But I have stretch grades pretty much everywhere, my abdomen, bum, thighs, breasts, and even on my upper arms down as far as my elbows, and astern my knees. I'm only 25, and I revulsion them - I know now that using moisturisers regularly is a good instrument to avoid developing any more. But I just wondered if in that was any fussy reason why I own so many when I see greatly of people much more overweight than I am who don't come across to have partly as many.

Is it possible to verbs a muscle under your not here breast?

I have em too, mostly around the breasts and hips (Damn growth spurts >-<)

There is evidence that some relations have weaker collagen than others, disappearing them prone to stretch marks (Incidentally this can also supply you weak pelvic floor muscles, so if you're thinking of have kids, you might wanna start developing a regimen of pelvic floor exercises to prevent incontinence after birth)

People who yo-yo diet (Raises hand) and bodybuilders are prone to them most on the tummy, upper arms and thighs.

So, I doubt you've done anything wrong. There are just some lucky women out near (Its never me who's the lucky one!) who seem to avoid adjectives this stuff, stay slim despite eating second-hand goods food, have great rage sense and have never suffered from acne. These women will give attention to it's because of what they've done - its not, they're just goddamn lucky!

Vaginal discharge! comfort!?

yes if you dont moisturise your skin and you are expecting or putting on weight you will obtain stretch moisturise.

First time this have ever happened?

It's down to inheritance really...Depending on how much elasticity you have surrounded by your skin will determine how much it will stretch before it leaves a smudge...Your just one of the unlucky ones close to me :o( Bio oil really does give support to to fade them though x

Woman when u first lost ur virginety did it hurt really bad because i hear that it do and im still a virgin.?

well im simply 20, im not overweight, but i've had stretch results on my bum and breasts since i was just about 12/3. i moisturise every day, very soon im 6 months pregnant and have no, results on my massive belly. (strange i think). but i do think darker skinned nation are more prone to stretch marks as most associates i know have them, overweight or not.

I've have numerous UTIs for the last couple of years. I help yourself to the medicine for two weeks and it clears up for a

You must own some kind of a point here as I have three babies and had to get hold of rid of at least 60 pounds after the doctors have put me on a "high plump diet" and I never had one single stretch inscribe! (The things you'll swallow when you don't know better!) The only biddable thing I other did for myself, was to drink dampen... Whenever I found myself in a position where on earth for one reason or another, I coudn't do it, I suffered the consequences but except that, I have a great body! Considering the source, don't we adjectives? It's just up to us to hold on to up with feed it good stuff and keep hold of away from fructose, bleached sugars and flour, and foods which contain fats towards the extremity of the day as the body can't burn them contained by our sleep so if we take black-eye peas (beans) as a ending meal, along beside any vegetables (optional), we actually turn our sugars into life and it helps for a myriad of great wonders surrounded by the body... to many to enumerate here!

Tampon give somebody the third degree?

yes but I am not sure why,
I am one of the lucky ones and do not have any.
I own had two children and I am to be sure over weight for my distance from the ground.
I don't know why I don't have any, I do moisturise etc but I didn't when I be young.

What can I expect from my upcoming tummy tuck surgery?

im nt overweight & own awful stretch marks on my thighs & bum

How high-ceilinged will i be?? im so worried am i too tall?

I believe so, i no I'm Not skinny, but i defenetly dont desreve strach marks on my shoulders, and i see full-size people next to out any on there shoulders.
I assume people beside darker skin are a touch more prone

Please help - i'm really worried?

most women own a few stretch marks even if their skinny , but if you did gain consignment fast consequently youcan get more of them , they dont step away but cocoa butter helps fade them .

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