Explaining endometriosis to a guy?

I've been trying to explain endometriosis to my boyfriend and I'm simply not gettin in thru to him, He pretty much gets the clueless look on his obverse.And I know i'm not it explaining it well any becuz i almost confuse myself. Little Help?

Wellbutrin worried?

For "Men Who Love Women near Endo" (MENDO):


Also refer him to these additional resources, which may be courteous to you both:



On my period and my vagina hurts?

Get some pictures from your doctor or clinic, of the "womanly anatomy" and explain to him that it is normal. Lots of us concord with it. He patently isn't familiar next to whats "inside" us gals.

I need your assist, women?

Endometriosis is a common medical condition affecting women of reproductive age around the world. In endometriosis, the tissue that lines the uterus is found to be growing outside the uterus, on or in other areas of the body. Normally, the endometrium is shed respectively month during the menstrual cycle; however, in endometriosis, the misplaced endometrium is usually unable to exit the body. The endometriotic tissues still detach and bleed, but the result is far different: internal bleeding, degenerate blood and tissue shedding, inflammation of the surrounding areas, pain, and formation of blotch tissue may result. In addition, depending on the location of the growths, interference next to the normal function of the bowel, bladder, small intestines and other organs inside the pelvic cavity can occur. In tremendously rare cases, endometriosis have also been found surrounded by the skin, the lungs, the diaphragm, and the brain.

No one knows for sure what cause this disease, but scientists have a little theories.

They know that endometriosis runs in family. If your mother or sister has endometriosis, you are six times more probable to get the disease than other women. So, one opinion suggests that endometriosis is caused by genes.

Another assumption is that during a woman's monthly periods, some endometrial tissue back up into the abdomen through the fallopian tubes. This transplanted tissue later grows outside the uterus. Many researchers think a imprecise immune system plays a part contained by endometriosis. In women with the disease, the immune system fail to find and destroy endometrial tissue growing outside of the uterus. Plus, a recent study shows that immune system disorders (health problems where the body attacks itself) are more common contained by women with endometriosis. More research surrounded by this area may sustain doctors better understand and treat endometriosis.

I hope i help some

Hormonal imbalance, what cause it?

Just tell him the nitty-gritty: it is uterine tissue that grows in the wrong place. It is very tight and can cause sweet periods near HORRIBLE cramping. Sex can be painful especially surrounded by certain positions. It can lead to fertility problems. It is a serious illness and should be respected as such.
Don't try to bog him down beside too much info. This should be enough for him to grasp what you are going through.

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