Wellbutrin worried?

I'm worried about my wife, she started taking wellbutrin bringing up the rear my back, and I involve to know if she will be alright. I found the pills and she told me they were for sister. But, I know she is taking them. Even though her sister does bear them and other stuff for major depression. but, I want to know if my wife will be ok by taking these pills. Does it run in the family? because most of her home are nut cases.

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Shame on you... for you fear your wife to be a "nut case." If she didn't contemplate she needed the medication she wouldn't be taking it. She is trying to help herself. Show her some support. Depression is a difficult article to deal beside. Depression has nought to do with mortal a "NUT CASE". You could study up on depression to get a better analysis. I'm sure if your wife doesn't feel the medication is helping her she will discontinue it's use. However, maintain in mind it will nick some time, perhaps a month or so, formerly she will adjust to the medication and see results.

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Wellbutrin is not something that can be taken lightly. The dose is specifically measured for the soul that is taking it. Also, taking it for a moment or two while and then suddenly stopping it can effect major adverse effects, potentially enthusiasm threatening. If your wife does need medication next she needs to see her Dr. and enjoy him/her prescribe the right one. Just because it does one thing for one party, doesnt mean it will do one and the same for another. But due to the health concerns of this medication, she wants to see a Dr. ASAP


ask her strait up and detail her u r just concern for her and want her to be OK and u want to be in attendance for her if some thing is wrong spinal column to Ur ? it could hurt her if they r not her perscipts and if some thing be to happen and she go to the doc and all she could be surrounded by trouble and so can her sister for giving them to her. u need to find out so that u can be nearby for her and so that u know what to do it she gets sick.

Feel chance after?

I'm guessing she is taking them behind your fund because you call her domestic nut cases which means that if your wife is also suffering from depression as it tend to run in family, that she feels smaller number loved or valued by you. She will be ok taking this med. Please make sure she keep all her follow up appts near her doctor. 7/10 people near take psychotrophic drugs at some point in their lifetime.

Girls Only Pleaze!?

She should be okay. I started taking Wellbutrin just about 2 1/2 years ago. About a year ago it was changed to Wellutrin XL. I've have no major side effect, but as you know, pills affects people differently. Probably the worst is the ringing in my ears. I didn't know that be related to the Wellbutrin, but I've read about it, so perchance it is. One thing to be aware of is how it affects her sleep. For paucity of a better description, I'll call it "regular" Wellbutrin. My prescription be for 2 tablets daily. I found that if I took one surrounded by the evening that I had trouble sleeping. Well, more trouble than I hold anyway as I'm sitting here at 3:45am writing. I just took one surrounded by the morning, and I found it to work just fine. It's not approaching there be a huge difference in the approach I felt, but it unambiguously helped me relax for a time and I just feel kind of colourless. It really helped near severe PMS (when I say severe, I miserable my skin literally felt resembling it was tingling and everything upset me to the point I could just about function). A plus is that I think it help me lose weight minus trying because I started losing around the time I started taking it. The Wellbutrin XL is just once a daytime. It's an extended release tablet. I really think I approaching the regular kind better even though I be just taking partially a dose.
I agree with the other writers who said to be supportive of your wife. I've suffered abundantly in silence, so I grasp the feeling. My husband have given me a hard time, various times, making fun of me and saying that I sleep too much, during the sunshine. He doesn't understand what it feel like to surface so bad that you can't even perceive happy when you should. I know I've lost precious time near my 2 children because of this problem. Trust me when I say that depression is not fun and anyone who is going through in recent times wants to have a feeling normal. Depression does strange things to race and medicine may not bring it all away. Even though I don't consistency perfect, I do consistency better. I know this may seem approaching rambling, but I needed to share my experience so you'll kind of know what might be going on. Best wishes :)

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