Are there any vaginal suppositories for preventing returning uti? infection while pregnant?


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Drink cranberry liquid and plenty of water. Your vagina is not like peas in a pod as your urethra and you shouldn't use any medication while pregnant unless your gyne has recommended it.

Another time questionPlease help!?

not that I know of, but drinking cranberry juice helps bring in you bladder strong an prevensts UTI. You can also take cranberry pills

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i agree. they are two separate places. you need to maintain your bladder acidic to get it less friendly for baceria. drink cranberry liquid, or lemon jiuce in river, and pee a lot. no suppositories while pregnant,

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Your vaginal and urinary tract are totally different. Dry drinking plain cranberry juice (without sugar added) and lots of sea. If these are recurring you should speak next to your doctor.

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