Are my foot messed up from walking barefoot too much?

For the last few years I mostly either wore flip flops or go barefoot most of the time, and my feet are weirdly shaped, almost like a triangle. The heels are really authoritarian, and the front is really, really, wide. My toes are almost 1 1/2 times longer proportionally than before. My foot are very flat (vertically, not the arch). The last piece might be gross to some: the skin on the bottom of my feet is really thick, sort of resembling cat's or dog's paw pads, except not as much.
I am really embarrassed to show my foot at school, are my feet fixable or should I not try?

Answers:    As the previous answerer said, there's nil wrong with wide foot. That's how your feet are supposed to look, unfortunately frequent people do indeed think it is monstrous and that is why fashion shoes (especially women's shoes, but even men's to some extend) are made long, rigid, with pointy toes. But it's really those shoes that are misshaping our feet, and surrounded by the long run we pay for it, most women have foot that are quite messed up with corns, bunions, toes curled within... Be proud of your strong, sturdy feet! Same with a gluey sole, a soft, thin sole may look nice but it isn't practical. That tough pad is at hand to protect you when you walk, and as long as it isn't so thick that it get hard and cracks, it does the job economically. Many people put fashion over functionality, but really your foot are great as they are. Don't let anyone tell you different, if ethnic group make fun of you invite them for a nice, long hike and my guess is that at the train you'll be the one who has the last chortle.

The two things you can do something about are these:
First for them being 'flat', if you be aware of your feet are getting too flat, walk barefoot on asymmetrical surfaces more often to train your feet. Going barefoot is better for your foot than flipflops; the flipflops do not have any support but neither do they stimulate your feet to grow strong as much, as going completely barefoot does. Also tons times you'll need to cramp your toes a bit to keep them on (especially if they win wet and slick) which isn't good.

Second if the skin on your foot is too thick and starts to crack, then use a foot directory & some cream, like bag balm or coconut grease. But don't shave it off too much, again the thick skin is apposite protection!
Your feet are NOT misshapen from walking barefoot a lot.
In reality they're the shape they should be, would have been adjectives your life had your foot not been squeezed into too-narrow shoes for years or decade.

Same with your toes. Rather than human being curled up unnaturally (and probably pushed to the point where they overlap) they've regained their unconscious extended posture.

Be happy to be the only one surrounded by your class with healthy, commonplace feet, rather than thinking you're an abomination..
ably... with the shape i can't help you. there's this stuff that's made out of grease and sand and if you rub for a minute long it gets the dead skin rotten. you can make it yourself too. it makes your skin super soft too.

hoped this help!!

Yeah buy a nail file and sand em and trust me it get them smooth keep lotion in your hindmost pack or locker and keep them moisturized! Its from being barefoot and genitics undressed feet is good for your foot flipp flops arnt help your arch my rolling ur feet over a bottle contained by the evings.
My feet changed shape when I moved to a new country and stopped wearing closed toe shoes. I notice that when I put my old shoes on they didn't fit right anymore! not fun. Also notice that lots of the ladies around here hold the shape of foot you described. I think it's from not ever wearing closed toe shoes.

I don't know if there's any way to return with the shape of your foot back like previously. I just ended up buying strange cold weather shoes that I wear back in the US.

The lifestyle you front - wearing flip flops and going barefoot - makes it normal and automatic that your feet flatten out. Try to be happy you live somewhere where on earth that's your lifestyle!

As for the thick skin on the bottom of your feet, that's in recent times your body building up protection for your soles so it doesn't hurt when you step on stuff with your bare foot. It's normal. If you want to reduce it for a moment you could use a pumice stone and lotion.

Try not to be too embarrassed about it though. Everyone feel insecure about something, even those other kids who look perfect to you. .
the types of shoes you wear hold nothing to do with the shape of your foot (at least in my experiences)
that's basically how they're shaped
i used to only wear tennis shoes because my school dress codes prohibited the wear of flip- flops (from kindergarten- 10th grade), but next i went to a new academy where they don't care and immediately all i wear is flip- flops
it's been a year immediately of only flip- flops and bare foot and yet my feet look exactly like peas in a pod as they did before, they look like conventional feet
the shape is still the same, the arch is still in that, and all of my tennis shoes still fit
the only piece that being barefoot would effect is the bottom of your feet, where on earth you said the skin is really thick
that part is calloused
that happen when your skin is rubbed against something rough enough times, the skin builds up and gets sturdy
just like guitar players finger tips are calloused because their fingers rub the strings when they press on them
there's nought you can do about the shape but you can get rid of the callouses beside a nail file type entry and just like folder them down and make them soft then put lotion on them.
your probably turning into a monster. but dont verbs, you can always live in the sewer. ask your doctor? idk.

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